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Consent: the European Parliament has the power to accept or reject a legislative proposal by an absolute majority vote, but cannot amend it; Consultation: the European Parliament may approve, reject or propose amendments to a legislative proposal; Legal base: Article 289(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European … The rapporteur is responsible for presenting a draft report to committee, including his/her amendments to the Commission proposal. If Council adopts Parliament's position without changes, the legislative act is adopted and published as a directive (or regulation or decision) of the European Parliament and of the Council. Both institutions have failed the test. Voter turnout at the elections has fallen each year since their inception and has been less than 50 per cent for the last 20 years. Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC . Parliament adopts a Position of the European Parliament at first reading. If Council does not adopt all Parliament's amendments or wants to introduce its own changes, it adopts a first reading position. CONSULTATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE The vote on the joint text is preceded by a debate in plenary on the outcome of the negotiations and the agreement reached (or not reached) with Council. After the âyellow cardâ review, the authoring institution (usually the Commission) may decide to maintain, amend or withdraw the legislation. The European Institutions are made up primarily of the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council of the European Union. In the 2014-2019 legislative term, 41 out of 401 concluded files under the ordinary legislative procedure (10%) were adopted in so-called early second readings, when Parliament adopts a pre-negotiated (between Parliament, the Council and the Commission) Council first reading position without amendments, meaning the act is adopted. Together with the European Parliament, the Council adopts legislation proposed by the European Commission. Parliament can accept the proposal without any changes or make amendments. Not only is it officially called the'ordinary legislative procedure'but ithas also becomethegeneral rule for adopting legislation at European Union level. Pan-European co-operation is essential to get a proposal rejected by the European Parliament. They adopt non-legislative reports, organise hearings with experts and scrutinise other EU bodies and institutions. Notable procedures are the consultation and consent procedures, though various others are used for specific cases. They consider Commission and Council proposals and, where necessary, draw up reports to be presented to the plenary assembly. The European Parliament is the only directly elected EU body and represents the EU’s 508 million people; making it one of the biggest parliaments in the world. Parliament may approve or reject a legislative proposal from the Council, or propose amendments to it. In the event of joint committee meetings, the rapporteurs concerned draw up a single draft report, which is examined and voted on by the committees involved at jointly chaired joint meetings. If Parliament and Council approve the joint text, the legislative proposal is adopted. They have six (or eight if jointly agreed) weeks to decide and they cannot modify the text. In both cases, the Council only finalises its position after receiving Parliament's first reading amendments and the Commission's resulting amended proposal. The minimum age to stand as a candidate is set by the national government of each member state and varies from 18 in France and Germany to 25 in Greece and Italy. If elections for the European Parliament have taken place since the first reading, the President may decide that the restrictions do not apply. Rejection of the Council's first reading position ends the legislative procedure: this can only be re-launched by a new Commission proposal. If a legislative proposal is rejected at any stage of the procedure, or the Parliament and the Council cannot reach a compromise, the proposal is not adopted and the procedure is ended. It is important to remember that getting a piece of legislation blocked or withdrawn is more an issue of organisation and pan-European … There are four possible scenarios for Council's first reading: If Parliament has not adopted any amendments and Council does not wish to change the Commission's proposal, it can approve the act by qualified majority. A consultation process is also launched among the different Commission departments in order to ensure that all aspects of the matter in question are taken into account (inter-service consultation). The precise day of elections is also set by individual member states. There are no possibilities for introducing amendments, but you can inform the MEPs participating in the conciliation committee and your government on the points that you believe should not be included in the final legislative act. 8. It is also informed about the European Commission's position on Parliament's second reading amendments. EC. The "right of initiative" lies with the European Commission. In a recent study, we sought to assess the extent to which the European Parliament and the Council have used their veto powers. The European Parliament and Council Directive 97/56/EC4,16th It also plays a key role in electing the president of the European Commission, and has the power to dismiss the Commission. Go to the page: Legislative priorities . These meetings are knowns as trilogues.â¨â¨The aim is to ensure that the Parliament amendments adopted in plenary are acceptable to Council. In those cases, Parliament may approve or reject a legislative proposal , or propose amendments to it, but the Council is not legally obliged to follow Parliament's opinion, although it does need to wait for it before taking a decision. Decisions apply in specific cases, involving particular authorities or individuals and are fully binding. It can request the opinion of the committee responsible for legal affairs, which can also decide to check the legal basis on its own initiative. If the committee responsible, a political group, or at least 36 MEPs feel that the proposal or parts of it do not comply with EU fundamental rights, it can be referred to the committee responsible for the protection of fundamental rights (the civil liberties committee). The legislative text is signed by the Presidents and Secretaries General of the European Parliament and of the Council and published in the Official Journal. Council of the European Union . It also asks the Commission to propose legislation. This is called the 'subsidiarity control mechanism'. If an objection is raised, the mandate is put to the vote in plenary: a simple majority of Parliament members may approve the mandate. Parliament uses all 24 of the EU's official languages in its daily business and all are of equal status, with all documents being published in every language and MEPs having the right to speak and work in their own language, with provisions made for them to do so. It is directly elected by EU voters every 5 years. The delegation is appointed separately for each conciliation procedure. The threshold falls to ¼ for a draft legislative proposal submitted on the basis of Article 76 TFEU (judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation). 25/10/2012. 2 1. COM(2018)0476. : COM(2019) 623 final Subject: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 654/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the exercise of the During the six-week (possibly extended to eight) period, members of the European Parliament delegation receive the final joint text in their respective languages, along with a report outlining the various stages and results of the conciliation procedure, including the record of the vote by the delegation on the conclusion of the conciliation procedure. Regulations are directly binding throughout the EU as of the date set down in the Official Journal. In the 2004-2009 term, 10% of files were adopted in early second reading, taking an average of 25 months. If the Commission refuses, Parliament may decide to refer the matter back to the parliamentary committee. In the 2014-2019 legislative term, only four out of 401 legislative files (1%) were agreed at the second reading (excluding agreements at early second reading), compared to 5% in the 2009-2014 term, 13% in the 2004-2009 term and 24% in the 1999-2004 term. At this point, the different language versions of the agreement are published on the Parliament's website. Summary . This Commission is determined to drive this change, and to work with the European Parliament and the Council to ensure it happens. currently 14). Committees sometimes organise public hearings, in which you may be able to participate. The Council now has three months (or four months if extended) to act. If the Commission does so, the legislative procedure stops. In areas such as taxation, competition law and Common Foreign and Security Policy, the European Parliament is “consulted”. : +352 4398-1 Opinion No 6/2020 concerning the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Recovery and Resilience Facility The number of votes needed in Council's second reading depends on the Commission's opinion on Parliament's amendments. If either Parliament or Council reject the text, or do not approve it in time, the procedure ends without the adoption of legislation. The time limits laid down by the Treaty for the subsequent stages of the procedure begin after Parliament announces reception of Council´s first reading position in plenary (the day after the announcement, which usually takes place on Thursday). The text of the proposal as approved by Parliament and the accompanying resolution are forwarded to the Council and the Commission by the President as Parliament's position. The Treaty specifically requires the Commission to deliver a written opinion on Parliament's amendments and this determines the type of vote necessary in the Council: if, for instance, the Council wishes to adopt a Parliament amendment on which the Commission has delivered a negative opinion, it must do so unanimously. During the 2014-2019 legislative term, 89% of the files were agreed at first reading, compared with 85% in the 2009-2014 legislative term, , 72% in 2004-2009 and 29% in 1999-2004. If the Commission refuses to submit a proposal, it has to give an explanation. As with trilogues, the main working tool is the four column document (see point 13), translated into all official languages. The treaties have provision for special legislative procedures to be used in sensitive areas. A new procedure can be based only on a new Commission proposal. 6769/21 PZ/ur 2 GIP.2 EN In this context, the co-rapporteurs, José Manuel Fernandes (EPP, PT) and Irene Tinagli (S&D, IT) presented a compromise amendment (amendment number 37) to the abovementioned proposal for a Regulation … The President of the European Parliament refers the proposal to a parliamentary committee, which appoints a rapporteur who is responsible for drawing up a draft report containing amendments to the proposed text. Completing this work in the early autumn would mean that the new long-term budget could be up and running and driving Europe’s recovery on 1 January 2021. The draft recommendation includes amendments proposed by the rapporteur. Parliament also scrutinises the democratic processes of all the EU institutions, as well as the Commission's reports, including the budget, of which it has approval. You can advise your MEP on which tabled amendments you think are advantageous or otherwise. If the Council does not approve all Parliament's amendments at second reading, a Conciliation Committee is convened. The starting date is the announcement of Council´s first reading position in plenary. If Council does not approve all of Parliament's amendments, the President of the Council in agreement with the President of the European Parliament convenes a meeting of the Conciliation Committee within six weeks (with a possible extension of two weeks) of the Council's rejection. If you believe that a proposal is fundamentally flawed, and even with amendments will not be workable, then you will probably be seeking to have it rejected by the European Parliament. After such a review the Commission may decide to maintain, amend or withdraw the proposal. There is no time limit on Parliament's first reading, Committee and plenary votes are by a simple majority of votes cast. ERC President Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Hearing at the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee Brussels, Belgium Check against delivery Dear Chair of the ITRE Committee, Dear Dr Busoi, Dear Vice-Chairs, Distinguished members of the European Parliament, Ladies and gentlemen, Last time I spoke to you was in November 2019. Pan-European co-operation is essential to get a proposal rejected by the European Parliament This article aims to explain how you can plan to achieve that. Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading. Elections. They can of course modify proposals or reject them altogether. Before voting on any amendments in plenary, the President may ask the Commission to indicate whether or not it would be willing to accept them. structure of this proposal, both in the Council and on the side of the European Parliament. A first reading position may be adopted without debate where agreement has been reached at a preparatory stage ("A" item on the agenda) or with debate ("B" item) or, in exceptional cases, by written procedure. emergency.6The European Parliament also urged the Commission to fully assess the climate and environment impact of all relevant legislative and budgetary proposals, and ensure full alignment with the objective of limiting global warming to under 1.5 °C and that they are not The Conciliation Committee has six weeks (with a possible extension to eight) to decide on a joint text based on the second reading positions of Parliament and Council. THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 152(4)(b) thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee, Having consulted the Committee of the Regions, Acting in accordance with the procedure … All amendments are subject to a vote in the committee responsible, which votes by simple majority. If the Council does not approve the Parliament's position at second reading, the legislative procedure continues with the conciliation stage. Council examines the joint text. The parliamentary committee usually meets several times to examine the draft report. The Parliament delegation also considers procedural issues, for instance, whether another trilogue meeting should be arranged, or whether the Conciliation Committee can be convened and, if so, when. It also asks the Commission to propose legislation. Parliament sits in eight political groups, organised by affiliation rather than nationality. The European Parliament examines the joint text and votes in plenary. There are 751 MEPs, although this will fall to 705 once the UK has left the EU. an absolute majority. 2017/0143(COD) COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure) Regulation Subject 2.50.03 Securities and financial markets, stock exchange, CIUTS, investments 2.50.05 Insurance, pension funds 4.10.11 Retirement, pensions 4.60.06 Consumers' economic and legal interests Before deciding, it receives the Commission's opinion about them. The plenary then votes on the joint text. Council of the European Union European Commission . The European Parliament also has the option of consulting the two Committees. Its representatives are expected to present and explain the Commission's opinion on Parliament's second reading amendments and possibly also to provide information about ongoing developments in the Council of which they are aware. Parliament has three months to conduct a second reading with a possible one-month extension. The European Council was due to debate the proposals at its summit this week. It is in conformity with Article 5. In its legislative role, the Parliament passes laws (along with the Council of the EU) which have been proposed by the European Commission. The rapporteur(s) and chair of the parliamentary committee responsible are also ex officio members of the delegation, included in the quota of their political group. There is no specific order in which the co-legislators must decide. Disputes over competence may be resolved through procedures involving associated committees or with joint committee meetings and votes. 3195. They must fulfil the second reading criteria and each must be approved by an absolute majority of Parliament's component members. (5) The European Council, meeting in Lisbon, on 23 and 24 March 2000, set out in its Presidency conclusions two decisions applying to postal services, whereby action was requested of the Commission, the Council and the Member States in accordance with their respective powers. In the 1999-2004 term, 25% of files were adopted in early second reading, taking an average of 23 months. EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Other committees might be offered the possibility to offer their opinion if the subject matter also concerns them. Since it was concluded as an Association Agreement (AA) pursuant to Article 217 TFEU, both the Council and European Parliament must first approve the Agreement before it can fully enter into force. Parliament's committees deal with EU legislative proposals by adopting reports, which then are referred to plenary for voting by all Members, and appoint negotiation teams to conduct talks with Council. More about the 2019 European elections results 16/02/2012. Salaries are the same for each MEP and as of July 2018 are € 8,757.70 per month, which is paid out of the Parliament's budget. While it is not explicitly laid down in the Treaty, it is widely accepted that acting by a qualified majority the Council may reject the Commission proposal as a whole. Go to the page: Legislative priorities . It can also reject the Commission proposal and request the Commission to withdraw it. This proposal is intended to facilitate a high level of protection of health of the consumers and is therefore in conformity with Article 95§3 of the Treaty. The proposal for a Directive on standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation 1. Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT … The final proposal is forwarded simultaneously to the European Parliament, Council and national parliaments and, in some cases, to the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee. The three EU Institutions, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, have committed to agree each year on a number of priority proposals, to which they want to ensure substantial progress. They listen to local and national concerns of individuals, groups and businesses; question and lobby the European Commission and the Council of Ministers on their behalf, and debate and vote on proposed legislation that will have an impact on them. The procedure is similar to the preparation of the Council's first reading position: the competent working party prepares a position, which is submitted to Coreper and adopted by the Council. If agreement is reached, the committee comes up with a "joint text" or (in full) "Joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee". The Economic and Social Committee (ESC) and the Committee of the Regions (CoR) must be consulted by the Commission and the Council on certain issues or when the Council considers it appropriate. The President's decision is final. They are admissible only if they seek: to wholly or partly restore Parliament's first reading position, to reach a compromise between Parliament and Council, to amend part of the Council text that was not included in, or differs in content from, the original Commission proposal. The last elections were in May 2019. Summary . A Member of the European Parliament, working in one of the parliamentary committees, draws up a report on a proposal for a ‘legislative text’ presented by the European Commission, the only institution empowered to initiate legislation. Conciliation Committee meetings may also be interrupted by trilogue negotiations. Before the committee officially begins its work, preparatory trilogues and technical meetings take place once it is clear that Council will be unable to accept Parliament's second reading amendments. The Commission is usually represented by the officials in charge of the dossier (sometimes by the Commissioner responsible), assisted by the Commission's Secretariat-General and Legal Service. Only the committee responsible prepares a report; there are no opinions from other committees. between the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission with a view to reaching an agreement on this file at first reading. Legislative proposal published. Council of the European Union. The Proposal was presented to the Home Affairs Ministers at the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 7-8 June 2012 and is currently under discussion within Council and the European Parliament with a view to adopt a regulation under the ordinary legislative procedure by the end of … The Council delegation is composed of one representative from each member state (ministers, or more usually, member states' Coreper representatives). The Commission's opinion is also important, because it determines the type of Council vote needed on Parliament amendments. If there is disagreement between a responsible and associated committee about competence, the Conference of Presidents may rule on which competence lies where, or it may opt for joint committee meetings if it falls equally within the competence of both. However, Parliament and Council may ask the Commission to submit proposals and in a few well-defined cases other institutions may come up with proposals. In the course of the plenary debate ahead of the vote, the Commissioner attending announces and explains the Commission's position on any amendments tabled. The Treaty does not set any time limit for Parliament's first reading. The European Parliament (EP) is one of three legislative branches of the European Union and one of its seven institutions.Together with the Council of the European Union, it adopts European legislation, commonly on the proposal of the European Commission.The Parliament is composed of 705 members (MEPs). ... Once a Commission proposal has been received by the Council, the text is examined simultaneously by the Council and the European Parliament. It is one of the seven EU institutions. Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading. The Commission proposal is sent to the Council at the same time it goes to the European Parliament. Summary . The two institutions vote separately on the joint text, There is no possibility to further amend it. The Council position goes first to the committee responsible, which prepares a recommendation for Parliament's second reading. Parliament (by a majority of its component Members) may ask the Commission to submit a proposal in cases where Parliament thinks EU legislation is needed to help implement the Treaties. The Conciliation Committee itself consists of two delegations of equal size: one from the European Parliament and one from the Council. The Parliament is represented in the conciliation procedure by a delegation consisting of a number of MEPs equal to the number of members of the Council. Most of them are from the committee responsible or from opinion-giving committees. If the Commission refuses to submit a proposal, it has to give an explanation. NAME OF THE PROPOSAL: Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the elimination of customs duties on certain products 2. The act is then adopted. European Parliament Citizensâ initiative, third reading in the European Parliament and Council, Third reading in the European Parliament and Council, Secretary General of the European Parliament, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - TFEU, Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union -, Guide to the ordinary legislative procedure, List of legal bases providing for the ordinary legislative procedure in the Treaty of Lisbon. There are 23 committees in parliament, dealing with policy areas such as security and defence, human rights, international trade and constitutional affairs, which examine proposals for legislation. Amendments are limited to restoring Parliament's previous amendments, reflecting a compromise between Parliament and Council, or a new legal situation. From the day of the first meeting, it has six weeks (with a possible maximum extension of two weeks on the initiative of Parliament or Council and by common accord between them) to negotiate and approve a joint text. The Parliament, like the other institutions, was not designed in its current form when it first met on 10 September 1952. National parliaments receive all Commission legislative proposals at the same time as the European Parliament and Council, giving them the chance to react to proposals with an opinion. The final joint text, the report drawn-up by the rapporteur and the delegation chair, the covering letter, and any institutional declarations are sent to Parliament's plenary services. The two institutions vote separately on the joint text as it stands, without any possibility of further amending it. The average length of the procedure for early second reading agreements was 39 months. The agreement reached in the Conciliation Committee has to be confirmed by both the Parliament and the Council. Associated and opinion-giving committees submit their opinions to the lead committee. Commission DG Commissioner Internal Market, Industry ... European Parliament . Approval is by a simple majority of votes cast; otherwise the joint text is rejected. The Council is represented by the Presidency chair of the relevant Council working party or Coreper - or sometimes by a minister - and assisted by the Council administration. The Council delegation is chaired by the minister presiding over the Council in charge of the dossier. Once the act is adopted, it is submitted for the signature of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of Parliament and Council, and is published in the Official Journal. Following the committee vote, the recommendation goes to plenary. That group proposes a rapporteur from among its committee members or permanent substitutes. The Commission, represented in principle by the Commissioner responsible for the dossier, also takes part in the Conciliation Committee's proceedings with a view to reconciling the positions of Parliament and Council. The Parliament delegation is composed of an equal number of MEPs - 27 - plus 27 substitutes (who can only vote if a member of their political group is absent). In these cases, the Council legislates on the basis of proposals submitted by the European Commission. During the first reading, the European Parliament examines the Commission's proposal and may approve it without modifications or amend it. The results of each trilogue are presented by the respective negotiators for the approval of the Parliament and Council delegations: where necessary, further trilogues or informal meetings are arranged. THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular the third paragraph of Article 175 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments, Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and … The Commission's proposals are scrutinised in detail by the European Parliament and the Council. If the Parliament approves the Council's position at first reading, it adopts a European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council position at first reading. Find out what position your government is taking on proposed legislation and send your comments and concerns to the relevant national authorities. The Council of the European Union represents the governments of the EU countries. What is the Council of the European Union? The document reference comprises COM(4-digits year)4-digits number. At the same time, a significant number were broad, cross-policy proposals that had to be examined by two or more parliamentary committees.
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