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By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Religion. Four seasons may be distinguished in Burkina Faso: a dry and cool season from mid-November to mid-February, with temperatures dropping to about 60 °F (16 °C) at night; a hot season from mid-February to June, when maximum temperatures rise into the low 100s F (about 40 °C) in the shade and the harmattan—a hot, dry, dust-laden wind blowing off the Sahara desert—is prevalent; a rainy season, which lasts from June to September; and an intermediate season, which lasts from September until mid-November. Aucune statistique nationale(*) n'est réalisée concernant les religions du Burkina Faso et il est donc difficile d'estimer la réelle répartition des croyants. Religious diversity score: The probability of two people chosen at random having different religions. Mande languages, which also form a branch of the Niger-Congo family, are spoken by groups such as the Samo, the Marka, the Busansi, and the Dyula. Religious-based attacks and kidnappings Sammelverband der burkinischen Muslime ist die Communauté musulmane du Burkina Faso (CMBF), gegründet 1962. Atheism is not shown to exist. Burkina Faso Very small groups reported, but outside the Joshua Project Small Group Policy . The peaceful progress of Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism explains why religious pluralism in Burkina is so deeply rooted. Etnia Lobi - Burkina Faso - RELIGIÓN Mostrando el único resultado Orden por defecto Ordenar por popularidad Ordenar por calificación media Ordenar por los últimos Ordenar por precio: bajo a alto Ordenar por precio: alto a bajo Bobo Dioulasso, in the west, was the economic and business capital of the country when it formed the terminus of the railroad running to Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on the coast. The northern part of the country consists of savanna, with prickly shrubs and stunted trees that flourish during the rainy season. It is believed that a majority of the population also includes traditional indigenous elements within their religious practice. La coexistence entre les communautés religieuses et la gestion par l’Etat burkinabè de la diversité religieuse constituent des exemples intéressants pour les pays qui sont confrontés à des tensions liées à la radicalisation religieuse ou à la montée de l’extrémisme violent. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. A former French colony, it gained independence as Upper Volta in 1960. Other Gur-speaking peoples are the Gurunsi, the Senufo, the Bwa, and the Lobi. Seule l'église catholique, par son registre des baptêmes, peut fournir des chiffres précis. The karite (shea tree) and the baobab (hibiscus tree) are endemic in this region. Grab a copy of our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! About 40 percent of Burkinabe follow traditional African religions, and 10 percent are Christian. Burkina Faso Judaism News Topics; Specialized News Sections on Burkina Faso Judaism. Moore, the language of the Mossi, is spoken by a great majority of the population, and Dyula is widely used in commerce. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Animal life includes buffalo, antelope, lions, hippopotamuses, elephants, crocodiles, and monkeys. Di… Burkina Faso - Religions About 55% to 60% of the population practice Islam, about 15% to 20% practice Roman Catholicism, and approximately 5% are Protestant. Burkina Faso’s national parks include Po in the south-centre of the country, Arly in the southeast, and “W” in the east, straddling the border with Benin and Niger. INFORM measures Burkina Faso’s risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster to be high, at 6.4/10. 19 percent are Roman Catholic and 4 percent Protestant, 15 percent follow some form of traditional indigenous beliefs. Burkina Faso Religion, Economy and Politics The majority of the population in Burkina Faso, 60.5%, practice Islam. Vulnerability and coping capacity are at concerning levels: 7.1 and 6.5 respectively.? Liste der religiösen Bevölkerung in Burkina Faso The Sahelian zone in the north is semiarid steppe, characterized by three to five months of rainfall, which is often erratic. More than half the population is Muslim. Islam in Burkina Faso. Although Burkina Faso is a Muslim-majority country (61.5 percent), its ruling class is largely Christian, which has led to a sense of disenfranchisement among some Muslims. Despite the fact that there is a wide acceptance and adherence to these beliefs, adherents of traditional African Religions and beliefs only make up 11.3% of the country’s population. mi.). Burkina Faso, landlocked country in western Africa. The majority of Muslims follow a kind of ethnicity called Malkite Sunni. Set Up FREE Account Submit Release. Since 2016, at least 300 violent incidents have been reported in Burkina Faso, resulting in the death of more than 360 people, including policemen and … For several miles on either side of the Volta rivers, the land is mostly uninhabited because of the prevalence of the deadly tsetse fly, which carries sleeping sickness, and the Simulium fly, which carries onchocerciasis, or river blindness. A significant number of Sunni Muslims identify with the Tijaniyah Sufi order. The lateritic (red, leached, iron-bearing) layer of rock that covers the underlying crystalline rocks is deeply incised by the country’s three principal rivers—the Black Volta (Mouhoun), the Red Volta (Nazinon), and the White Volta (Nakambé)—all of which converge in Ghana to the south to form the Volta River. +1 (202) 335-3939. The traditional religion of the Burkinabe is similar to that of many other African peoples. But the most dangerous place on the continent for Christians at present is Burkina Faso in western Africa. The Mossi is the largest ethnic community living in the country, comprising of 52% of the population. Au Burkina Faso, on rencontre aujourd’hui fréquemment des personnes dont le parcours religieux est composé d’expériences multiples. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Religious Beliefs In Burkina Faso - … Other groups of Burkina Faso include the Hausa and the Tuareg, whose languages are classified as Afro-Asiatic, and the Fulani, whose language (Fula) is a Niger-Congo language of the Atlantic branch. What is Rhodesia called today? The major ethnolinguistic group of Burkina Faso is the Mossi. The last-mentioned group has Mande origins but is assimilated into the Mossi and shares their language (called Moore). Par exemple, des hommes convertis à l’islam lors d’une migration qui reprennent, pour un temps, les coutumes They are Islam, Christianity and Traditional African Beliefs. Burkina Faso is an ethnically integrated, secular state where most people are concentrated in the south and centre, where their density sometimes exceeds 48 persons per square kilometre (125/sq. Great seasonal variation occurs in the flow of the rivers, and some rivers become dry beds during the dry season. A Kassena woman preparing a meal in Tiébélé, Burkina Faso. French is the official language, although it is not widely spoken. This crisis is being monitored by our analysis team. Please select which sections you would like to print: While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. According to the 2020 estimate by the Pew Research Center, 62.7% of the population adheres to Islam. It is also the residence of the morho naba (“great lord”) of the Mossi and an important regional centre for international aid programs. The Oti, another tributary of the Volta, rises in southeastern Burkina Faso. The vast majority of Muslims in Burkina Faso are Malikite Sunni, deeply influenced by Sufism. Atheist): 0.3% Unknown: 5.3%. The Pew Research Center also estimated that 21.7% practices Christianity, 15.1% follow Animism/ Mossi 52%, Fulani 8.4%, Gurma 7%, Bobo 4.9%, Gurunsi 4.6%, Senufo 4.5%, Bissa 3.7%, Lobi 2.4%, Dagara 2.4%, Tuareg/Bella 1.9%, Dioula 0.8%, unspecified/no answer 0.3%, other 7.2% (2010 est.) 24/02/2021. All rights reserved. Burkina Faso - Religion. Apart from Ouagadougou, the principal towns are Bobo Dioulasso, Koudougou, Banfora, Ouahigouya, Pouytenga, and Kaya. A tolerant country in matters of religion, Burkina Faso has no major conflicts between the religions. Moore, the language of the Mossi, is spoken by a great majority of the population, and Dyula is widely used in commerce. The arrival of the colonialists and Muslims in Burkina Faso led to the combination of either Islam or Christianity beside these beliefs. A listing, photos, maps and graphs of the ethnic people groups of Burkina Faso including language, progress scale, percent Evangelical and Professing Christian, and primary religion for each people group. The legacy of the French colonial rule in Burkina Faso is visible in the country. The country occupies an extensive plateau, and its geography is characterized by a savanna that is grassy in the north and gradually gives way to sparse forests in the south. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. In the south, the prickly shrubs give way to scattered forests, which become more dense along the banks of the perennial rivers. The name Burkina Faso, which means “Land of Incorruptible People,” was adopted in 1984. Religion in Burkina Faso. Most of the remainder are Protestant or nonreligious. According to a 1999 Demographic and Health Survey of 6,445 women nationally, 71.6 percent of the women of Burkina Faso, regardless of class and religion, and often regardless of region or ethnic group, have undergone this procedure. Burkina Faso is situated on an extensive plateau, which is slightly inclined toward the south. 5 • RELIGION Current figures estimate the Muslim population of Burkina Faso at 50 percent. Where is Serengeti National Park? Muslim 61.5%, Roman Catholic 23.3%, traditional/animist 7.8%, Protestant 6.5%, other/no answer 0.2%, none 0.7% (2010 est.) They speak a Niger-Congo language of the Gur branch and have been connected for centuries to the region they inhabit. French is the official language, although it is not widely spoken. The eastern and central regions are densely settled and contain about half the total population. Professor of Modern History of Black Africa, University of Paris, 1962–70. Burkina Faso’s government states 61 percent of the population practice Islam, most of which are in the Sunni branch. Muslims take over about 40% of the population. Author of. They have absorbed a number of peoples including the Gurma and the Yarse. Edit. Religion in Africa; Burkina Faso; Countries; Burkina Faso. In the southwest there are sandstone plateaus bordered by the Banfora Escarpment, which is about 500 feet (150 metres) high and faces southeast. According to the 2006 census, 61 percent of the population is Muslim, predominantly Sunni, 19 percent is Roman Catholic, 4 percent belong to various Protestant groups, and 15 percent maintain exclusively indigenous beliefs. Colonial Administrator, Madagascar, 1926–36. More than two-thirds of the people are rural and live in villages, which tend to be grouped toward the centre of the country at higher elevations away from the Volta river valleys. These African beliefs are mainly the different indigenous beliefs and religions, for instance, traditional medicine, worshiping of the dead, belief in a supreme creator and in spirits among others. No significant recent humanitarian developments. Omissions? Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The Shi'a branch of Islam also has a small presence in the country. Willst du die Anzahl und den Prozentsatz der Religionen in Burkina Faso kennen. Less than 1 percent is atheist or belongs to other religious groups. The seat of the Roman Catholic archbishopric is in Ouagadougou, and there are several bishoprics throughout the country. More than half the population is Muslim. Two principal climate zones can be distinguished. The population as a whole is unevenly distributed among the different regions. It is common among all of the nation’s 45 provinces, but is particularly widespread in 14 of them. These flows of workers are affected by external events; the September 2002 coup attempt in Ivory Coast and the ensuing fighting meant that hundreds of thousands of Burkinabè returne… To the south, in the Sudanic zone, the climate becomes increasingly of the tropical wet-dry type, with a greater variability of temperature and rainfall and greater total rainfall than the north. Religion. Find out by taking this quiz about Africa. Religions > All: This entry includes a rank ordering of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population. Much of the soil in the country is infertile. Traditional indigenous beliefs (animism) continue to play a major role in the lives of many Burkinabè, regardless of their formal religious orientation. Some may not be viable and/or have incorrect Progress Scale values, population, language and religion information. | About Us | How to Cite | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Advertising Info, Religion in Burkina Faso — ReligionFacts, Mossi 52%, Fulani 8.4%, Gurma 7%, Bobo 4.9%, Gurunsi 4.6%, Senufo 4.5%, Bissa 3.7%, Lobi 2.4%, Dagara 2.4%, Tuareg/Bella 1.9%, Dioula 0.8%, unspecified/no answer 0.3%, other 7.2%, Muslim 61.5%, Roman Catholic 23.3%, traditional/animist 7.8%, Protestant 6.5%, other/no answer 0.2%, none 0.7%. https://www.britannica.com/place/Burkina-Faso, Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Burkina Faso - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Islam is the main religion in Burkina Faso. En los últimos años el porcentaje de creyentes ha disminuido, ha pasado del 99,52% al 99,5%. Latest Developments. French embassy building, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. From the sixteenth century onwards, Yarsé and Dioula traders and Fulani herders helped spread Islam respectively in the north, west and Sahel regions of … About one-fifth of the Burkinabé are Roman Catholic, and one-sixth follow traditional religions. The remainder of the population of relatively religiously diverse, with 23.2% practicing Christianity, 15.3% following indigenous beliefs, and the … For one thing, the official language in Burkina Faso is French. Bird and insect life is rich and varied, and there are many species of fish in the rivers. Citizens of Burkina Faso, regardless of their ethnic origin, are collectively known as Burkinabé. Burkina Faso has 3 major religions. Hundreds of thousands of Burkinabè migrate regularly to Ivory Coast and Ghana, mainly for seasonal agricultural work. Questions? Animist, Shamanist): 7.8% Other Religionist: 0.0% Not Religious (incl. Corrections? Ouagadougou, the administrative capital and the seat of government, is a modern city where several companies have their headquarters. Burkina Faso has great ethnic diversity. Explore the latest news and statistics on religion in Burkina Faso, including demographics, restrictions and more. El 57,9% de la población del país practica el Islam, así pues se trata de la religión más seguida por su población. The climate of Burkina Faso is generally sunny, hot, and dry. En Burkina Faso el 99,5%, un altísimmo porcentaje de la población, se declara creyente. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Burkina Faso is a religiously diverse society, with Islam being the dominant religion. Citizens of Burkina Faso, regardless of their ethnic origin, are collectively known as Burkinabé. In the remaining regions the population is scattered. Since 1955, however, when the railroad was extended to Ouagadougou, Bobo Dioulasso has lost some of its former importance, although it remains a commercial centre. The country’s foreign minister says tackling terrorism has become a fight “for the very survival” of the Sahel region, which incorporates the countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. The ethnic minorities with a significant presence in the country are the Fulani (8.4%), Gurma (7%), Bobo (4.9%), Gurunsi (4.6%), and Senufo (4.5%). La montée d’un islam rigoriste, observée dans plusieurs pays africains… JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.12 Sunni Muslim: 60.1% Catholic: 17.7% Pentecostal: 6.3% Protestant: 2.4% Other and Unknown Christian: 0.0% Ethnoreligionist (incl. Religion News Today. Burkina Faso, which means "land of honest men", has significant reserves of gold, but the country has faced domestic and external concern over the state of its economy and human rights. Die Zahl der Christen wird mit 23,2 % angegeben, in der Mehrzahl Katholiken (19 %) sowie Angehörige verschiedener protestantischer Glaubensrichtungen (4,2 %). The capital, Ouagadougou, is in the centre of the country and lies about 500 miles (800 km) from the Atlantic Ocean. Updates? © 2004-2021 ReligionFacts. Burkina Faso is bounded by Mali to the north and west, Niger to the northeast, Benin to the southeast, and Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Togo to the south. About 43 percent practice Islam, which has been strong for centuries among the Marka, Dyula, and … Annual rainfall varies from about 40 inches (1,000 mm) in the south to less than 10 inches (250 mm) in the north. Etudier les rapports entre Etat et religion invite à s’interroger sur l’évolution des comportements religieux individuels, qui peuvent avoir un impact sur les relations sociales. BURKINA FASO 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT Executive Summary The constitution states the country is a secular state, and both it and other laws provide for the right of individuals to choose and change their religion and to practice the religion of their choice. Militants have forced 100,000 in Burkina Faso alone to flee their homes in recent months. Sunni Muslims are the religious majority in Burkina Faso, while Roman Catholics comprise a significant religious minority. Approximately 45 percent continue to hold traditional beliefs.
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