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Decir hermoso es decir soluciones sostenibles, que abran un diálogo entre nuestro entorno construido y los ecosistemas del planeta. The co-design of the New European Bauhaus continues to evolve, gathering views from citizens, organisations and practitioners on how to transform living spaces and build a … New European Bauhaus baseras på en kollektiv designprocess i tre faser; Co-design, Leverans och Spridning. Poner la nueva Bauhaus a trabajar para la recuperación: inversión inteligente en las ciudades de Europa 3 de diciembre de 2020 – 10.00h a 12.30h La Presidenta … The New European It will *Nominated by the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, This site is managed by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). The New European Bauhaus will be a driving force to bring the European Green Deal to life in an attractive, innovative and human-centred way. The conference will be held online in English. Quiero que NextGenerationEU ponga en marcha una ola europea de renovación y convierta nuestra Unión en líder de la economía circular. Interpretation in Il nuovo Bauhaus europeo Voglio che NextGenerationEU faccia partire un'ondata di ristrutturazioni in tutta Europa e renda l'Unione capofila dell'economia circolare. Significa aplicar enfoques regenerativos, inspirados en los ciclos naturales, que permitan que se renueven los recursos y que protejan la biodiversidad. Pero no se trata solo de un proyecto medioambiental o económico: tiene que ser, además, un nuevo proyecto cultural para Europa. El Nuevo Bauhaus Europeo Quiero que NextGenerationEU ponga en marcha una ola europea de renovación y convierta nuestra Unión en líder de la economía circular. Pero no se trata solo de un proyecto medioambiental o económico: tiene que ser, además, un nuevo proyecto cultural para Europa. Decir hermoso es decir unos espacios inclusivos y accesibles, donde el diálogo entre personas de diferentes culturas, disciplinas, géneros y edades se convierta en la oportunidad de imaginar un lugar mejor para todos. Decir hermoso es hablar de experiencias enriquecedoras, que respondan a necesidades más allá de nuestra dimensión material y se inspiren en la creatividad, el arte y la cultura. EPRS Cohesion policy contribution to New European Bauhaus This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in the ir parliamentary work. Il Bauhaus e il futuro verde dell’Europa La presidentessa della Commissione Europea Ursula Von der Leyen ha annunciato il New European Bauhaus, il piano per lo sviluppo sostenibile del vecchio continente. Das ist jedoch nicht nur ein ökologisches oder wirtschaftliches Projekt: Es muss auch ein neues Kulturprojekt für Europa werden. 新しいバウハウスへ。「New European Bauhaus」とはなにか この欧州グリーンディールにおける問い「どうしたら温室効果ガスをゼロにできるのか?」を実験・実装するひとつの中心運動がNew European Bauhaus。この運動は、持続可能 The New European Bauhaus is a creative initiative, breaking down boundaries between science and technology, art, culture and social inclusion, to … The design team is planning a series of information sessions to present the opportunities to contribute to the initiative. The NEB movement could strengthen the role of culture and heritage in European citizens’ daily lives, pleaded Europa … *Nominated by the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education, Co-founder and President of the World Human Forum, Assistant Professor in UCD School of Architecture Planning & Environmental Policy, Co-Director of UCD Centre for Irish Towns (CfIT), Custom Architecture owner, Grassroot activist and co-founder of SDI shack dwellers international, Curator, editor, independent expert in design, multimedia, and cultural heritage, Head of the Slovak Design Center in Bratislava 2016-2020, Systems Physicist and Climate Scientist, Founding Director and Director Emeritus of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Global Partnerships & Programs Director at Impact Hub, Architect, Professor FAUP, University of Porto, Portugal, Architect, National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Poland The New European Bauhaus is an environmental, economic and cultural project, aiming to combine design, sustainability, accessibility, affordability and investment in order to help deliver the European Green Deal. The move marks an opportunity for cultural heritage organisations to impact Europe’s sustainability policies and the future in general. New European Bauhaus è il progetto green per riprogettare l'Europa. The objective of the third phase – ‘dissemination’, is to spread the ideas and concepts defining the New European Bauhaus via new projects, networking and sharing of knowledge, in Europe and beyond. Das neue Europäische Bauhaus Ich möchte, dass NextGenerationEU eine europäische Renovierungswelle auslöst und unsere Union zu einem Vorreiter in der Kreislaufwirtschaft macht. I den första Co-design-fasen som nu inletts byggs ett community upp där organisationer och aktörer bjuds in att ansöka om partnerskap. Putting the new Bauhaus to work for the recovery: Smart investing in Europe’s cities How can the New European Bauhaus initiative inspire the thinking of local governments? The New European Bauhaus webinars are being coordinated by Design & Crafts Council Ireland European Programme Project Manager Nikola Tomić. La iniciativa lleva el Pacto Verde a los lugares donde vivimos y llama a un esfuerzo colectivo por imaginar y construir un futuro sostenible, inclusivo y hermoso para la mente y para el alma de todos. The core values The New Bauhaus is about bringing the European Green Deal closer to people's minds and homes. Ispirato ai principi della Bauhaus di Gropius, il New European Bauhaus è un nuovo progetto ambientale, economico e culturale destinato ai paesi dell’Unione And making tangible the comfort and attractiveness of sustainable living. Last January, the European Commission announced the beginning of the first phase of the New European Bauhaus initiative (NEB). New European Bauhaus About High-level roundtable High-level roundtable Advanced thinkers and practitioners in their field bringing inspiration and acting as community ambassadors for the New European Bauhaus. Source europa.eu The New European Bauhaus initiative is a vast cooperation project combining sustainability with wellbeing. Il Bauhaus nasce dall’environment culturale e l’atmosfera dell’Europa dell’immediato post Grande Guerra. El Nuevo Bauhaus Europeo es una iniciativa creativa e interdisciplinaria que abre un espacio de encuentro para diseñar futuras maneras de vivir y se sitúa en la encrucijada entre el arte, la cultura, la inclusión social, la ciencia y la tecnología. A New European Bauhaus: op-ed article by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission Brussels, 15 October 2020 Chicago, Tel Aviv, Ascona, Dessau, … The New European Bauhaus, an initiative which promotes beautiful, sustainable and inclusive forms of living, is now in the co-design phase. di Studio 15 Ottobre EU-Kommission will mit „Renovierungswelle“ die Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden steigern und startet „neues europäische Bauhaus Die Strategie für die Renovierungswelle zeigt auf, dass bis 2030 35 Millionen Gebäude renoviert werden könnten und bis zu 160 000 zusätzliche grüne Arbeitsplätze im Baugewerbe entstehen. バウハウス(ドイツ語: Bauhaus )は、1919年、ヴァイマル共和政期ドイツのヴァイマルに設立された、工芸・写真・デザインなどを含む美術と建築に関する総合的な教育を行った学校。また、その流れを汲む合理主義的・機能主義的な芸術を指すこともある。 New European Bauhaus visions by the members of the high-level roundtable, President, chairwoman of the Italian National Innovation Fund - CDP Venture Capital SGR, Urbanist, board member of KÉK (Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre), Activist and Board Member of Young Friends of the Earth Norway, Biologist, ecologist, founding director of social enterprise Fawaka Ondernemersschool (Fawaka School of Entrepreneurship), Architect and founder of design consultancy Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), Innovation advisor to the European Commission and the G7 leaders, Industry Commons concept creator, Architect and Set Designer BauNetz-Architektur-Meldung vom 19.10.2020 : Neues Europäisches Bauhaus / Zu Ursula von der Leyens EU-Initiative - Aktuelle Architekturmeldungen aus dem In- und Ausland, täglich recherchiert von der BauNetz-Redaktion Inspired by a design movement that was the offshoot of an educational project, the Commissions initiative is ' Pero también significa una economía más inclusiva, en la que la riqueza se distribuya y los espacios sean asequibles. The New European Bauhaus I want NextGenerationEU to kickstart a European renovation wave and make our Union a leader in the circular economy. The New European Bauhaus will: • Bring citizens, experts, businesses, and Institutions together and facilitate conversations about making tomorrow’s living spaces more affordable and accessible. • Mobilise designers, architects, engineers, scientists, students, and creative minds across disciplines to reimagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond. Good design can improve lives. Este sitio está gestionado por Comisión Europea, Centro Común de Investigación, De nuestras conversaciones saldrá nuestro futuro, Escríbanos a través del formulario de contacto, Venga a conocernos a una oficina local de la UE, Busque los canales de la UE en las redes sociales, Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE), Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior (SEAE), Supervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos (SEPD). Ma non è solo un progetto ambientale o economico: dev'essere un nuovo progetto culturale europeo. This hybrid session (online, in-person) will address sustainable and inclusive urban development and the New European Bauhaus initiative against the backdrop of the recovery effort. 6,950 Followers, 80 Following, 53 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from New European Bauhaus (@neweuropeanbauhaus) Advanced thinkers and practitioners in their field bringing inspiration and acting as community ambassadors for the New European Bauhaus. But this is not just an environmental or economic project: it needs to be a new cultural project for Europe. For more information about the initiative, contact Nikola directly on 083 023 1195 or via email: nikolatomic@dcci.ie Significa apreciar la diversidad como oportunidad para aprender unos de otros. Europa chiama architetti e artisti, startup e aziende dell’innovazione, visionari e futuristi, per costruire i nostri prossimi cent’anni (e chissà come saremo). Conference: Conversations on the New European Bauhaus How can we make the places where we live and our experiences more beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive?
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