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What is the purpose of transformers on the output side of a DC power suppply? It's 100% free, no registration required. A slight variation of that would be said if you arrive and realize that something strange is currently happening: "Was ist denn hier los? HERE are many translated example sentences containing "WAS GEHT AB" - german-english translations and search engine for … what's the haps. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It's dead pants = nobody's moving. what's going down. Was geht ab, Digger ? If no difference of meaning, is it a difference of usage? / Ich renn' für deine Liebe durch die Stadt / Oh Baby, was geht? Sowas / so was geht. Expressions from hip-hop jargon have long since … Jahrhundert abgegangen. I'm guessing it's colloquialism just like these. App laden und ab geht's... Get the FREE WMM app and off you go... Skier anschnallen und ab geht's in den Skiurlaub in Lech am Arlberg! The latter means, What differences between “Was geht ab?” and “Was ist los?”, Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever, Differences between “Nutzungsverhalten” and “Nutzerverhalten”, What is the difference between 'irgendwann' and 'manchmal'. Thus, the regular sentence says, Es geht... ( mir gut, dir schlecht, etc.) "Abgehen" in this case is related to "ablaufen", to run (its course), to proceed. what's up what's going on what up what's happening. What's up? You're probably overthinking this. Just recognize it. How old was Thanos at the start of Endgame? Translations in context of "WAS GEHT AB" in german-english. How you been? April 2012 07:24 (PDT) If a mutual fund sell shares for a gain, do investors need to pay capital gains tax twice? In this post I’m going to explain why we say Wie geht es dir? How to handle "I investigate for
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