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A new Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs The aim of the Alliance is to take the EU’s partnership with Africa to the next level. On 12 September, on the occasion of his State of the Union Address, President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "Africa does not need charity, it needs true and fair partnership. The Alliance aims to boost investment which creates jobs and promotes sustainable development. The ‘Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’ builds on the commitments taken during the African Union – European Union Summit, which took place in November last year in Abidjan, where the two continents agreed to strengthen their partnership. %PDF-1.6 %���� It represents a radical shift in the way we work as partners towards a logic focussed on Africa’s economic potential and … These guarantee agreements are part of the implementation of the EU External Investment Plan, the financial arm of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, which, by investing €4.5 billion, is set to leverage €44 billion in total investment. SOTEU: Africa-Europe alliance for sustainable investment and jobs - YouTube As announced by President Jean-Claude Juncker in his 2018 State of the Union Address, the … To do so, the Commission proposes to boost investment, further attract private investors, support education and skills development for employability, as well as boost trade and improve the business […] Home / Africa-Europe Alliance The Africa-Europe Alliance is a coherent economic strategy for EU-Africa relations. A new Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs - State of the Union 2018 Africa-OnTheRise-Jan 25, 2019 As part of President Juncker's State of the Union proposals, the Commission has announced a new 'Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs' to promote a substantial increase of private investment … The ‘Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs,’ builds on commitments adopted at the 2017 African Union- European Union Summit. Start: 17 October 2018 11:00 am. Out of the total budget, the EU has already allocated €4.2 billion. The European Union-African Union Digital Economy Task Force, set up under the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, recommends mainstreaming digital skills and responsible online behaviour and the promotion of … Communication on a new Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs: Taking our partnership for investment and jobs to the next level . Communication on a new Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs: taking our partnership for investment and jobs to the next level In a rapidly changing global landscape, Europe and Africa have much to gain from increased economic and political ties. 12.09.2018. Communication on an Africa-Europe Sustainable Investments and Jobs Alliance, African Union – European Union Summit in 2017, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, 5th African Union – European Union Summit, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media, Boosting strategic investment and strengthening the role of the private sector to create jobs, Investing in people by investing in education and skills, Strengthening business environment and investment climate, Tapping the full potential of economic integration and trade. A New Africa-Europe Alliance: Perspectives on Economic Relations with Sub-Saharan Africa. On 12 September, on the occasion of his State of the Union Address, President Jean-Claude Juncker said: “Africa does not need charity, it needs true and fair partnership. In his State of the Union Address on 12 September 2018, President Jean-Claude Juncker announced a new Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs. The External Investment Plan is a key part of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, launched by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in September 2018. %%EOF The External Investment Plan is a key part of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, launched in September 2018 with the objective of creating 10 million jobs in five years, boosting investment and promote sustainable development. In 2018, four sectoral taskforces were set up under the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs in the fields of digital, transport and connectivity, rural Africa and … In his State of the Union speech in mid-September, President of the European Commission Jean- Claude Juncker announced an EU-Africa trade agreement under the heading of a “Partnership of equals”. Subject: Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs Answer in writing As part of President Juncker’s State of the Union proposals, the Commission announced an ‘Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’. The Alliance aims to deepen the economic and trade relations between the two continents, in order to create sustainable jobs and growth. The European Commission is proposing a new ‚Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs ‘ to substantially boost investment in Africa, strengthen trade, create jobs, and invest in education and skills. The European Commission is proposing a new ‘Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’ to substantially boost investment in Africa, strengthen trade, create jobs, and invest in education and skills. As part of President Juncker's State of the Union proposals, the Commission has announced a new 'Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs' to … The European Commission proposed a new "Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investments and Jobs" aiming at boosting private investment in Africa, boosting trade, creating jobs and investing in education and skills. The Africa-Europe Alliance for sustainable investment and jobs modernises our long-standing partnership with Africa. The External Investment Plan is a key part of the Africa-Europe Alliance, launched by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in September 2018. The forum forms part of a joint initiative to facilitate collaboration between private and public actors and partnership between Ugandan and … The ‘Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs,’ builds on commitments adopted at the 2017 African Union- European Union Summit. Focusing on investment and trade, it seeks to boost employment and sustainable growth in Africa. And we, Europeans need this partnership just as much. In his State of the Union Address on 12 September 2018, President Jean-Claude Juncker announced a new Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs. Boosting investment and trade for sustainable growth and jobs. To this end various instruments are to be joined up. The Africa‐Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs aims first and foremost at affording opportunities that can create benefits for the economies of both regions, with a specific emphasis on … The EU aims to continue partnerships for assisting … The European Union and Ethiopia step up their partnership and cooperation. The Africa‐Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs aims first and foremost at affording opportunities that can create benefits for the economies of both regions, with a specific emphasis on empowering women, girls and young people. It complements the long-standing political partnership between the two continents. Today, we are proposing a new Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs between Europe and Africa. The Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs was launched in 2018 to deliver on the commitments taken at the 5th African Union-EU Summit in Abidjan, calling for strengthened economic and trade relations, through sustainable investment and job creation. The Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs unveiled by the Commission in June 2018 bundles existing initiatives in the area of development and trade of the EU-AU Partnership to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with Africa on the subject of investment climate, including investor protection. It deepens the economic and trade relations and goes beyond a donor-recipient approach, an "equals’ alliance". Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs . These guarantee agreements are part of the implementation of the EU External Investment Plan, the financial arm of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, which, by investing €4.5 billion, is set to leverage €44 billion in total investment… The Commission is proposing today a new 'Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs'. h�tP=HBa=W�?��ϠB�I5�4���ҡ?Ȗ���������(��!� �����Ʒ��&�8TX4G_e�C�=�˽����A�*T�A� �nF���@�V��?p{W2�!��ߐ�m�����^�r���ZH�n �L"���������aq�[�\�9��ǡ�%5(���Lem"�*[n1�d�wHV�bZ3��8+M���SP�r��� ya��#����ʼ3�$I���Pt�. The External Investment Plan is a key part of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, launched in September 2018 with the objective of creating 10 million jobs in five years, boosting investment and promote sustainable development. #AUEU #AfricaEuropeAlliance. The External Investment Plan is a key part of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, launched by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in September 2018. The Alliance aims at … The package builds on the commitments taken during the African Union – European Union Summit of last year in Abidjan where the two continents agreed to strengthen their partnership. At the 5th African Union – European Union Summit both partners agreed that economic investment, job creation and trade were common priorities, requiring joint commitment. The launch of the substation in Mount Kigali will increase Rwanda’s energy system efficiency as part of wider grid connectivity improvements. As part of President Juncker’s State of the Union proposals earlier this week the European Commission announced a new ‘Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’. Now we are taking a new step in this direction, launching an "Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs", and this will be a major priority for our work in the year ahead. This Alliance is more than a financial plan. It defines job creation as the key target and African and European investments as the main vehicle, focusing on areas with the greatest potential for jobs and added-value creation. Objectives. It complements the long-standing political partnership between the two continents. It deepens the economic and trade relations and goes beyond a donor-recipient approach, an "equals’ alliance". 1224 0 obj <> endobj Invest for Jobs ist die Marke der Sonderinitiative Ausbildung und Beschäftigung zur Ansprache von deutschen, europäischen und afrikanischen Unternehmen, Hochschulen, Kammern und Verbänden sowie NGOs. It sets out the key strands of action for a stronger economic agenda for the EU and its African partners. Today sees the inauguration of a new electrical substation in Rwanda, which was supported by the European Union, as well as private sector investors. 0 End: 17 October 2018 2:30 pm. endstream endobj startxref State of the Union 2018: Questions and Answers - Towards a new 'Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs' Press release 12 September 2018 State of the Union 2018: Commission unveils plan for a more efficient financial architecture to support investment outside the EU This Alliance… The Alliance aims to boost investment which creates jobs and promotes sustainable … This can be achieved building on the work under the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs announced in 2018 with the objective of creating 10 million jobs in five years, boosting investment and promote sustainable development. And we, Europeans need this partnership just as much. They contribute to education, skills and digitalisation – key priorities under the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs. February 2020. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new … And we, Europeans need this partnership just as much. 1299 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<65E5E6BE8BF14743BC9006B45E823A06><1CCABC8F94C95B4592B8D0666269D25C>]/Index[1224 190]/Info 1223 0 R/Length 265/Prev 848710/Root 1225 0 R/Size 1414/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The Alliance proposes. The EU aims to continue partnerships for assisting countries to boost renewable energy generation and diversification of energy sources. 1. The Commission is proposing today a new ‘Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’ On 12 September, on the occasion of his State of the Union Address, President Jean-Claude Juncker said: “Africa does not need charity, it needs true and fair partnership. It complements the long-standing political partnership between the two continents. Subject: Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs Answer in writing As part of President Juncker’s State of the Union proposals, the Commission announced an ‘Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs… According to the European Commission, it is proposing a new ‘Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’ to substantially boost investment in Africa, strengthen trade, create jobs, and invest in education and skills. President Juncker presented the first results of the Africa–Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, just three months after its launch. h��=KBQ��s4?�$�Eps� �C��%�4Q�E�I�hi1(����\�\�!�D��FC֠�}��ptyxxι�9�X#+r�S���H�+}�J�Q�����2xO9eu���aK)3 N��t����L) �ɈU�HA�si2�Gjʟ��fg+����i��;t��!~�W� ^�o�)~ �f)o�L�.��;��лs���+x�e��w���z%el̛|��t��r݈?�_��s�]��[ �// boosting strategic investment and strengthening the role of the private sector to create jobs Communication on a new Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs: taking our partnership for investment and jobs to the next level In a rapidly changing global landscape, … In line with the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, the European Union in partnership with the Private Sector Foundation Uganda and the Government of Uganda are organizing the first ever Uganda-Europe Business Forum. Boosting investment and trade for sustainable growth and jobs What is the Alliance? The Alliance aims to boost strategic investment, strengthen the role of the private sector to create jobs and promote sustainable development. It amounts to an Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs as part of the European Union – African Union Partnership. 1413 0 obj <>stream Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs' Brussels, 12 September 2018 European Commission - Fact Sheet The Commission is proposing today a new 'Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs'. The Commission's proposal for an 'Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs' is part of a package which also includes a proposal for a more efficient financial architecture for investment outside the European Union, which will also support further investment in Africa. This is a leading example of how cooperation with the private sector can unlock Africa’s economic potential, as set out in the Africa-Europe Alliance and the European External Investment Plan. In his State of the Union Address on 12 September 2018, President Jean-Claude Juncker announced a new Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs. There are notable resources underpinning the Alliance, not least those proposed as part of the long-term EU budget, in which Africa remains a priority. FMO, the Dutch Development Bank signed a partnership agreement, guaranteeing €40 million for Sub-Saharan Africa and the EU Neighbourhood. The EU is Africa’s first partner in trade, in foreign investment and in development. Tag: Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs. This document sets out the key strands of action for a strong
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