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Both Sides. ), RCR – Remote Component Replacement (Tool), REZ – Renewable Energy Zone (United Kingdom), RFCC – Ready for Commissioning Certificate, RFO – Ready for operations (pipelines/cables), RFR – Refer to Attached (Letter, Document, etc.). from rod equipment to casing equipment), cP – centiPoise (Viscosity unit of measurement), CPI separator – corrugated plate interceptor. Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. PL006, 018, 067, 2–3 Dec 1996, NPD Stavanger, Extended Abstracts. Weitere Wörterbücher für andere Sprachen ebenfalls verfügbar! van Dijk, J.P. (1993); Three-dimensional quantitative restoration of central Mediterranean Neogene basins. It is based in Toronto, Canada, is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, and is a constituent of the S&P/TSX 60 . pol. Special publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geologists No. [12][3] The founder and chairman of Constellation Software, Mark Leonard, has maintained a low profile, declining media interviews and making few public appearances.[5]. This list is meant for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon for anything but general information. CATCH - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides. Stock analysis for CL1. Abkürzung: CSU. Auf unserem Youtube Channel findest du alles rund um aktuelle KTM-Modelle, Anbauteile und Technikanleitungen. Find the latest Amazon.com, Inc. (AMZN) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Pforzheim University International partner universities with student exchange programs Faculty Country Partner university & city Jointly in Consortia MSFL – Micro SFL Log; Micro-Spherically Focussed Log (resistivity). Jedoch finden sich die stark rechtskonservativen und restaurativen Positionen der BVP in der CSU nur noch sehr vereinzelt wieder. spectrometry, density, etc. FPSO – Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel, FWV – flow wing valve (also known as production wing valve on a, GE – Ground Elevation (also [GR or GRE]), GEOFO – Geological & Formation Evaluation Report, GEOPR – Geological Operations Progress Report, GLE – Ground Level Elevation (generally in metres above mean sea level), GLM – Gas Lift Mandrel (alternative name for, GPIT – General Purpose Inclinometry Tool (borehole survey), GR – Ground Level (or Elevation //(also [GE or GRE])) or Gamma Ray. Governmental Abbreviations Browse thousands of Governmental acronyms and abbreviations classified by 32 sub-categories. [line of political thinking in the German parties CDU and CSU] Unionslinie {f} pol. [3] It focuses on vertical market software companies (i.e. Work on your career preparation when your life allows you to with the help of our PhoenixLink™ career portal that has career tools, resources and more, available to students and alumni 24/7/365. [7] 12% of revenue was from Canada, 52% from the US, 30% from Europe, and 5% from the rest of the world. Put abbreviations that you do not know in this section. ITT – Internal Testing Tool. SPE paper 50570, Europec; European Petroleum Conference, Vol.1, 31–43. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, FMI – formation micro imaging log (azimuthal microresistivity), FMS – formation multi-scan log; formation micro-scan log, International Association of Drilling Contractors, International Marine Contractors Association, Independent Petroleum Association of America, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve, Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts, Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve, Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve, United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association, Wireline Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, "BP names VP of offshore activities in AGT region", http://www.standard.no/PageFiles/1315/D-010r3.pdf, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, http://www.slb.com/services/characterization/geophysics/wireline/vertical_seismic_imager.aspx, Oiltrashgear Oilfield Acronyms & Terminology, SPWLA Petrophysical Curve Names and Mnemonics, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_abbreviations_in_oil_and_gas_exploration_and_production&oldid=1013896013, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1oo2 – One out of two voting (instrumentation), 2C – Proved and probable Contingent Resources, 2oo2 – Two out of two voting (instrumentation), 2oo3 – Two out of three voting (instrumentation), 3C – three components seismic acquisition (x, y, and z), 3C – Proved, probable and possible Contingent Resources, 3P – proved, probable and possible reserves, 4D – multiple 3Ds acquired over time (the 4th D) over the same area with the same parameters (, 8rd – eight round (describes the number of revolutions per inch of pipe thread), AADE – American Association of Drilling Engineers, AAPL – American Association of Professional Landmen, AAODC – American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded by, ABAN – Abandonment, (also as AB and ABD and ABND), ABSA – Alberta Boilers Safety Association, ADE – Advanced Decision Making Environment, ADEP – Awaiting Development with Exploration Potential, referring to an asset, ADT – Applied Drilling Technology, ADT log, ADM – Advanced Diagnostics Module (Fieldbus), AFE – Authorization For Expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors, AGT – (2) Authorised Gas Tester (certified by OPITTO), AIPSM – Asset Integrity and Process Safety Management, AL – appraisal license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996, ALAP – as low as possible (used along with density of mud), ALLMS – Anchor Leg Load Monitoring System, AMS – auxiliary measurement service log; Auxiliary Measurement Sonde (temperature), APWD – annular pressure while drilling (tool), ASOG – Activity Specific Operating Guidelines, ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials, ASCSSV – annulus surface controlled sub-surface valve, AV – annular velocity or apparent viscosity, AVGMS – Annulus Vent Gas Monitoring System, B or b – prefix denoting a number in billions, Bcf – billion cubic feet (of natural gas), Bcfe – billion cubic feet (of natural gas equivalent), BGL – below ground level (used as a datum for depths in a well), BHA – bottom hole assembly (toolstring on, BHCT – bottomhole circulating temperature, BIVDL – BI/DK/WF/Casing collar locator/gamma ray log, BLD - Bailed (refers to the practice of removing debris from the hole with a cylindrical container on a wireline. ), PWV – Production Wing Valve (also known as a flow wing valve on a, RACI – Responsible / Accountable / Consulted / Informed, RAM – Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability, RCI – Reservoir Characterization Instrument (for downhole fluid measurements e.g. GI {adj} [attr.] In: Chalk Geoscience Workshop. pol. The company was founded by Mark Leonard, a former venture capitalist, in 1996. Other people might have an idea. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. [6] Although the company has experienced great success with this strategy in the past (its stock has increased 30 times since its IPO in 2006), it has experienced more competition in acquiring companies in recent years,[3] especially from private equity and hedge funds. [politicians from CDU and CSU] Unionspolitiker {pl} pol. Kategorie. (See also Annular- APWD. Dabei muss man sagen: Bei fast allen großen Lobby- und Korruptions-Skandalen - ich erinner nur mal an Schäuble, schwarze Koffer und Kohls Ehrenwort - waren CDU/CSU ganz weit vorne. To help protect our elections, NIST is pleased to offer Specific Cybersecurity Guidelines and has released Draft NISTIR 8310, Cybersecurity Framework Election Infrastructure Profile.. van Dijk, J.P. (1998); Analysis and modelling of fractured reservoirs. [members of the Union parties, CDU an CSU, in the German Bundestag] Unionschristen {pl} pol. As of 2016, 67% of revenue was from customers in the public sector, while the other 33% was from customers in the private sector. Ein weiterer bedeutender Unterschied ist, das… Die CSU setzt bedingt die Tradition der Bayerischen Volkspartei (BVP) fort. The company was founded by Mark Leonard, a former venture capitalist, in 1996. ), CSI – Combinable Seismic Imager (VSP) log (Schlumberger), CST – Chronological Sample Taker log (Schlumberger), D&I – direction and inclination (MWD borehole deviation survey), DDM – Derrick drilling machine (a.k.a. ), boepd – barrels of oil equivalent per day, BOTTO – bottom hole pressure/temperature report, BPV – back pressure valve (goes on the end of coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong direction), BRT – below rotary table (used as a datum for depths in a well), BSEE – US: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, BTEX – benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene, BTO/C – break to open/close (valve torque), bwd – barrels of water per day (often used in reference to, CAAF – Contract Authorization Approval Form, CAODC – Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, CART – cam-actuated running tool (housing running tool), CCL – casing collar locator (in perforation or completion operations, the tool provides depths by correlation of the casing string's magnetic anomaly with known casing features), CCLBD – Construction / Commissioning Logic Block Diagram, CCLTP – casing collar locator through tubing plug, CDRCL – compensated dual resistivity cal. A brief glossary of the two-, three- and four-letter terms that Microsoft loves and partners should know. Und Unrechtsbewußtsein und Rücktritt? DG3 or DG#3 means Diesel Generator Nr 3), DGP – dynamic geohistory plot (3D technique), DHPTT – downhole pressure/temperature transducer, DL – development license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore license issued before 1996, DLL – dual laterolog (deep and shallow resistivity), DLS – dog-leg severity (directional drilling), DMRP – Density - Magnetic Resonance Porosity (wireline tool), DPDV – dynamically positioned drilling vessel, DPLD – differential pressure levitated device (or vehicle), DRLPR – drilling proposal/progress report, DSTND – dual-space thermal neutron density log, DSTPB – drill-stem test true vertical depth playback log, DTPB – CNT true vertical-depth playback log, DVT – Differential Valve Tool (for cementing multiple stages), DWOP – drilling well on paper (a theoretical exercise conducted involving the service-provider managers), ECMS – Electrical Control and Monitoring System, ECMWF – European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECRD – Electrically Controlled Release Device (for abandoning stuck wireline tool from cable), EDP – Exploration Drilling Program Report, EDPHOT – Emergency Drill Pipe Hang Off Toool, EEHA – Electrical Equipment for Hazardous Areas (IECEx), ELEC TECH – Electronics Technician (See also: ETech), EMCS - Energy Management and Control Systems, EMS – Environment measurement sonde (wireline multi-caliper), ENMCS – Electrical Network Monitoring and Control System, EPCM/I – Engineering Procurement Construction & Management/Installation, EPCU – Electrical Power Conditioning Unit, EPIDORIS – Exploration and Production Integrated Drilling Operations and Reservoir Information System, ESHIA – Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment, ESIA – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, ETECH – Electronics Technician (See also: Elec Tech), EUE – External-upset-end (tubing connection), EWMP – Earthworks/Electrical Works/Excavation Works Management Plan, EXL – or XL, Exploration Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986) and the Sixth (1992), EZSV – Easy Sliding Valve (drillable packer plug), FEWD – formation evaluation while drilling, aFLET – Actuated Flowline End Termination, FMECA – failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis, FOET – Further Offshore Emergency Training, FOSA – Field Operating Services Agreement, FPDM – fracture potential and domain modelling/mapping, FPLP - Freshman Petroleum Learning Program (Penn State). Buchstabe U - … C hristlich-S ... Netzwerk. [2] It went public in 2006,[3] and now has 13,000 employees[4] spread over 6 operating segments. Constellation Software is a Canadian diversified software company. [5] Most of its acquisitions are relatively small (for less than $5 million),[5] although the company has indicated that it may pursue larger acquisitions in the future. Acronym Meaning: AAF: Army Airfield: AAFES: Army And Air Force Exchange Service: AAM: Army Achievement Medal; Air-to-Air Missile (see ATAM); Automated Acquisition Module [7], Constellation Software has six operating segments:[8], In 2016, the founder of Innoprise Software sued Harris Computer Systems for giving away its software for free, thus reducing the value of a revenue-sharing agreement. van Dijk, J.P. (1996); Fracture potential and domain mapping; a new technique applied to Maastrichtian-Danian chalk in Block 2/5 (Norway). [3] For instance, Constellation acquired Acceo Solutions for $250 million in January 2018, the second-largest acquisition in its history. Willkommen bei ktm-shop24, deiner Nummer Eins für KTM Teile, Zubehör und Bekleidung. In: Spencer, A.M. Abkürzung: CSU. Thr3 or Thr#3 means Thruster Nr 3), THP – Tubing Hanger Pressure (pressure in the, TMCM – Transverse Mercator Central Meridian, TNDTG – Thermal Neutron Decay Time/Gamma Ray Log, TOFD – Time of first data sample (on seismic trace), TOFS – Time of first surface sample (on seismic trace), TOVALOP - Tanker Owners Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution, TRCFR – Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate, TTVBP – Through Tubing Vented Bridge Plug, TUTB – Topside Umbilical Termination Box/Unit/Assembly (TUTU), TVBDF – True Vertical Depth Below Derrick Floor, TV/BIP – Ratio of Total Volume (ore and overburden) to Bitumen In Place, TVDRT – True Vertical Depth (referenced to) Rotary Table zero datum, TVDKB – True Vertical Depth (referenced to) Top Kelly Bushing zero datum, TVDSS – True Vertical Depth (referenced to) mean sea level zero datum, UBHO – Universal Bottom Hole Orientation (sub), UBIRE – Ultrasonic Borehole Imager Report, UCIT – Ultrasonic Casing Imaging Tool (high resolution Casing & Corrosion Imaging tool), UCSU – Upstream Commissioning and Start-Up, ULCGR – Uncompressed LDC CNL Gamma Ray Log, UMCA – Umbilical Midline Connection Assembly, USIT – Ultra Sonic Imaging tool (cement bond logging, casing wear logging), UTA/B – Umbilical Termination Assembly/Box, UTAJ – Umbilical Termination Assembly Jumper, UWILD – Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry Docking, VDU – Vacuum Distillation Unit, used in processing, VGMS – Vent Gas Monitoring System ( Flexible riser annulus vent system), VLTCS – Very Low Temperature Carbon Steel, VSI – Versatile Seismic Imager (Schlumberger VSP tool), VTDLL – Vertical Thickness Dual Laterolog, WAG – Water Alternating Gas (describes an injection well which alternates between water and gas injection), WITS – Well Site Information Transfer System, WHMIS – WorkPlace Hazardous Material Information Systems, WOC – Water Oil Contact (or Oil Water Contact), WOE – Well Operations Engineer (a key person of, WPQ/S/T – Weld Procedure Qualification/Specification/Test, WQ – A textural parameter used for CBVWE computations (, WR – Wireline Retrievable (as in a WR Plug), WSOG – Well Specific Operation Guidelines, WSS – Well Services Supervisor (leader of, XL – or EXL, Exploration Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986) and the Sixth (1992), XMAC – Cross-Multipole Array Acoustic log, XMAC-E – XMAC Elite (Next generation of XMAC), XPERM – Matrix Permeability in the X-Direction, Z – depth, in the geosciences referring to the depth dimension in any x, y, z data, This page was last edited on 24 March 2021, at 01:30. Tools and resources. IWOCS – Installation / Workover Control System, JVP – Joint Venture Partners/Participants, KBE – Kelly Bushing Elevation (in meters above sea level, or meters above Ground Level), KBUG – Kelly Bushing under ground (drilling up in coal mines, West Virginia, Baker & Taylor Drilling), KOEBD – Gas converted to oil-equivalent at 6 million cubic feet = 1 thousand barrels, KBG – Kelly Bushing Height above Ground Level, LDS – Leak Detection System (pipeline monitoring), LINCO – Liner and Completion Progress Report, LOA – Letter of Authorisation/Agreement/Authority, LOGGS – Lincolnshire Offshore Gas Gathering System, LOLER – Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations, LTI(FR) – Lost Time Incident (Frequency Rate). Underwater Demolition Teams {sg} [United States Navy 1942 - 1983]
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