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Ursula von der Leyen was left without a seat at a summit in Ankara on Tuesday after her two male counterparts took the only available chairs, leaving her to perch on a nearby sofa. Von der Leyen said "the EU should be the "guardian of multilateralism" in the world increasingly torn by protectionist trade policies. Von der Leyen Pushes Green Deal in European Parliament Speech. I … "We must insist on fairness and a level playing field and Europe will move forward - alone or with partners that want to join," warned the commission chief, who added that "carbon must have its price because nature cannot pay the price anymore". European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen unveils Europe's "Green Deal" plan to fight climate change on Dec. 11, 2019, at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels. The climate crisis has lost nothing of its urgency. The Coming Wars Europe At Large World View Beyond The Bubble ... “Von der Leyen is not the problem,” said Hannah Neumann, a German Green MEP who authored a report on gender equality in foreign policy. Receba notificações quando publicamos um texto deste autor ou sobre os temas deste artigo. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has praised a plan to make Europe the world's first climate neutral continent. Opening Statement Ursula von der Leyen (1073.665 kB - PDF) Download (1073.665 kB - PDF) Press contact. Commission demands equal treatment of EU presidents, Hundreds of thousands log on for 'spare' Belgian vaccinations, EU Parliament probes Czech MEP on China ties, Italy's mafias - boosted by Covid, now eyeing EU's billions, Report: The prevalence of men who use internet forums characterised by misogyny. Von der Leyen hält weiterhin an ihrer Mission des Europäischen Grünen Deal (EU Green Deal) fest und will Europa bis 2050 zum ersten klimaneutralen Kontinent machen. Ursula von der Leyen, new president of the European Union's executive Commission, will lay out details of her "European Green Deal" on Wednesday to coincide with a U.N. summit. Live on EUobserver from 10:00 (CET). A European Green Deal I want Europe to strive for more by being the first climate-neutral continent. Phone +32 2 299 13 82. Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen erklärte: „Der europäische Grüne Deal ist unsere neue Wachstumsstrategie – für ein Wachstum, das uns mehr bringt als es uns kostet.” 11/12/2019 Sie fügte hinzu: „Er zeigt, wie wir unsere Art zu leben und zu arbeiten, zu produzieren und zu konsumieren ändern müssen, um gesünder zu leben und unsere Unternehmen innovationsfähig zu machen. It is a "cultural project," she said, pointing out the need to make the EU's food, energy, mobility and production systems, as well as consumption patterns and lifestyles, more sustainable. Ursula von der Leyen, the new president of the European Union's executive Commission, laid out the details of her "European Green Deal" on Wednesday, coinciding with a U.N. summit on the climate. A mudança do transporte rodoviário para o ferroviário será apoiada, com o objectivo de que “75%” do primeiro passar a ser efectuado sobre carris e vias navegáveis, escreve-se ainda. In this transition, we must recognise and respect that we do not all start from the same point. Pode activar ou desactivar as notificações. Als EU-Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen ihren "European Green Deal" präsentiert, mangelt es nicht an historischen Vergleichen. … This week, as part of her impassioned pitch to MEPs, Ursula von der Leyen established climate change as the priority for her prospective European Commission, promising to deliver a European Green Deal –in her first 100 days–able to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Alterações climáticas Primeira versão do Green Deal de Von der Leyen alvo de críticas Meanwhile, von der Leyen said that 30 percent of the €750bn recovery fund would be financed with green bonds - where proceeds are used for environmental projects - making the EU the world's largest issuer. “This is Europe’s man on the moon moment,” said Von der Leyen. Does new EU-ACP deal really 'decolonise' aid? The circular economy is “the number one priority” for the European Signatories include Microsoft, IKEA, Deutsche Bank, Unilever, H&M, Google and EDF. Here are advance details of her plan to make the EU the world's first "climate-neutral" continent by 2050. This is a step forward. Ursula von der Leyen, presidente da Comissão Europeia «Para melhorar o bem estar das pessoas e garantir que as gerações futuras vivam num planeta saudável, propomos uma transição ecológica e inclusiva.» Frans Timmermans, vice presidente executivo 93 % dos cidadãos europeus consideram que as alterações climáticas são um problema grave 93 % [1] Climate and environment were major issues all over the EU in European Elections in May leading to a ‘Green Wave’ of success for candidates backing green policies. O documento, que terá sido enviados aos diferentes Estados-membros para que forneçam os seus contributos, foi revelado pelo site de notícias Euroactiv e já foi devidamente analisado pela Greenpeace, que não teve contemplações: “Vai ter um impacto mínimo na actual situação de emergência climática”, considera, em comunicado, o ramo europeu da organização ambientalista. The Commission will put forward a legislative proposal this month on a digital green pass that proves a traveler has been vaccinated against the coronavirus, President Ursula von der Leyen said Monday. The 10-year European Green Deal Investment Plan is to help Europe become the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050. Mina ANDREEVA. Our exclusive news stories and investigations. https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/eu-green-deal-explainer-1.5392067 With the European Green Deal … MEPs agreed that only member states that have adopted a national objective on the 2050 climate-neutrality target can access to the fund - which could force Poland to uphold the bloc's climate commitment. But we need to do more. This instrument would allow the EU to protect Europe's economy and industry against carbon-emitting competitors from outside the bloc while increasing its 'own resources' - Brussels' terminology referring to money that the EU itself directly collects. Ursula von der Leyen, the new president of the European Union's executive Commission, laid out the details of her "European Green Deal" on Wednesday, coinciding with a U.N. summit on the climate. Os jornalistas do PÚBLICO poderão sempre intervir. To green the building sector, von der Leyen wants to launch a 'European Bauhaus', a co-creation space where architects, artists, students, engineers, and designers can collaborate. Green Deal é catalisador da recuperação económica Chegou-se a pensar que o Plano de Recuperação Económica da Europa poderia pôr em causa algumas das metas do Green Deal mas, em setembro, Ursula von der Leyen salientou que, pelo contrário, a neutralidade carbónica até 2050 é o objetivo primordial da UE e, para isso, seria necessário definir metas mais ambiciosas. which could force Poland to uphold the bloc's climate commitment. Calling it "Europe's man on the moon moment," von der Leyen presented her plan to make the EU the world's first "climate-neutral" continent by 2050. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for inviting me again. your membership gives you access to all of our stories. Influential. UN Secretary General to meet with Nordic Council on COVID-19, Well-designed Deposit Return Schemes can help reach Single-Use Plastics Directive targets. O PÚBLICO não é compatível com o Internet Explorer 10 ou versões inferiores. Enlargement will go to Hungary's former justice minister Laszlo Trocsany, who had overseen some of the controversial domestic legislation in Hungary, which ended up in the EU's top court after the Juncker commission challenged those measures that infringed EU rules. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leye quarantined. President Ursula von der Leyen has outlined plans to fund her Green Deal with a mix of EU, member state and private sector contributions. Experts estimate that the EU-wide energy renovation needed, mostly in residential buildings, would cost €200bn a year for the next 30 years. If you have any thoughts on this story, turning the existing emissions target into a "net" emissions target. Dazu will sie die Klimaziele für 2030 anheben: Die CO₂-Emissionen sollen im Vergleich zu 1990 um mindestens 55 Prozent sinken und nicht – wie bislang vereinbart – um 40 Prozent. En 24 siders lang publikation, der indeholder strategiske … Rather, support should be given to firms in all sectors willing to grow via innovation and transformation towards a green transition. restore biodiversity and cut pollution. Speech by President von der Leyen in the Plenary of the European Parliament at the debate on the European Green Deal . The building, together with transport and industry, is one of the sectors that generate more emission in Europe. Lead rapporteur MEP Jytte Guteland expects that most MEPs will support at least 60-percent target for 2030. Investigative. After 50 years, where do Roma rights stand now? Not only does it aim to reduce the continent's emissions, but it also has the potential to grow the EU's economy and transform the bloc's politics. Para permitir notificações, siga as instruções: Estes são os autores e tópicos que escolheu seguir. We highly appreciate your support and value your feedback. Europe has always given its best when it has worked together, as a Union. EU's chance to be world's biggest green-bond issuer, EU's new 2030 climate target slammed on 'accounting trick', EU climate law: MEPs want EU to be more ambitious, Higher EU climate target 'economically feasible'. Today’s announcement follows a promise from von der Leyen to present a Green Deal for Europe within 100 days of taking office on 1 November. Quando apresentou o Pacto Ecológico Europeu, Von der Leyen não poupou na ambição: “Este é o momento do homem na Lua para a Europa”. In dem Dokument ist an mehreren Stellen von einem ambitionierten „Green and Fair New Deal“ die Rede. Que em 2030 devemos assistir a uma redução de emissões “de pelo menos 50% e em direcção aos 55%”, com base num plano que deverá ser apresentado em Outubro de 2020. This week the commission's proposal came under attack for including carbon sinks (as provided by soils and trees) in its emissions-reduction goal, turning the existing emissions target into a "net" emissions target - a move NGOs described as an "accounting trick". Opening Statement Ursula von der Leyen European Parliament. We give our best when we are bold and aim high. Aber hat das ehrgeizige Projekt überhaupt eine Chance? Ao criar um novo grupo de discussão, tornar-se-à administrador e será responsável pela moderação desse grupo. boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy. By: Simone Tagliapietra and Bruegel Date: July 18, 2019 Topic: Energy & Climate. Sources suggest that von der Leyen’s last-minute move to promote Dombrovskis was an attempt to seize control of the Green Deal for the center right, while ensuring that the responsibility for its success or failure remains with Timmermans, the public face of the Commission’s environmental ambitions. A intenção da Presidente da Comissão Europeia, Ursula von der Leyen, é que o investimento se concentre no desenvolvimento do Acordo Verde Europeu, conhecido como European Green Deal, e na promoção da digitalização em massa através das oportunidades geradas pela rede 5G. European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, gave a special address to Davos Agenda Week. Our European Green Deal is for them. 2019: EU's Green Deal - a global 'gold standard'? While the new 2030 goal represents a considerable strengthen of the previous target, some MEPs and environmental NGOs consider the new target is still not aligned with the Paris Agreement and the 2050 climate-neutrality target. The wonk's survival guide to the EU Green Deal Columns. Op-Ed: The European Green Deal, by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission . "We have more proof that what is good for the climate is good for business and is good for us all," von der Leyen said in her first State of the Union speech - where she announced an increase in the existing 2030 emission-reduction target, from 40 percent to 55 percent, compared to 1990 levels. Von der Leyen’s Green Deal isn’t just a plan for the environment. Ursula von der Leyen: “European Green Deal é a nossa estratégia de crescimento” 19 de Fevereiro, 2021 23 de Fevereiro, 2021 A Presidente da Comissão Europeia, Ursula von der Leyen, teve a sua estreia internacional como líder da Comissão Europeia ao apresentar, em janeiro, a sua agenda política à elite económica mundial na reunião anual do World Economic Forum em Davos. "The climate cannot be negotiated with, so better we move quick," she added. Der „Green Deal“ sollte am Vormittag von der EU-Kommission gebilligt werden. Das Ziel ist Klimaneutralität bis 2050. The "European Green Deal" envisages net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Poderia assemelhar-se a isto: https://report.gndforeurope.com This new growth strategy allows every European to help, says Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European commission Europa-Kommissionens nye formand Ursula Von der Leyen præsenterede i december European Green Deal. EU-Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen stellt ihren „Green Deal“ vor. Thank you very much, ... Dear friends, this is one of the priorities of the European Green Deal I … O Green Deal não é um luxo demasiado caro, mas sim um investimento necessário“, escreveu ainda no Twitter nos últimos dias. The 'Choosing Green' debate will address some of the most important and most complex key areas relating to the global green transition. The EU now aims to cut air pollution by more than a half. E indica que será lançado um plano de restauração da floresta e que será “revista toda a legislação existente afectando a agricultura e a floresta para garantir que está em linha com renovadas ambições do clima e biodiversidade”. NGOs and industry representatives have been demanding the exclusion of fossil-fuel financing under the fund, arguing that investments in clean energies can create three times more jobs. making the EU the world's largest issuer. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, promised on Wednesday (16 September) that the Green Deal will lead the investment plan needed in Europe for a future-orientated "true recovery". Que será apresentada em Março de 2020 uma nova Lei do Clima, que consagra 2050 como o ano da neutralidade climática da União Europeia. Join the Nordic climate debate on 17 November! Um novo Green New Deal não só é possível como é necessário. Ursula von der Leyen refused to sign a plea from more than 20 world leaders calling for a new global treaty on pandemic preparedness, it was claimed today. The European Commission is now considering issuing 'green bonds' for the first ever time, after green groups and other critical voices called for the unprecedented commercial-markets debt to be used on environmental projects. After a two-hour plenary debate on the European Green Deal, in which both von der Leyen and Timmermans laid out the finer points of the plans and listened to MEP interventions, deputies appeared on the whole to be impressed with the executive’s drive to tackle climate change. However, according to von der Leyen, "the Green Deal is not just about cutting emissions, it is also a new European growth strategy". Por favor, actualize o seu browser. Independent. Um bilião de euros para financiar o combate às alterações climáticas, salário mínimo em todos os países e gigantes da tecnologia a pagar impostos. To make this happen, I will put forward a Green Deal for Europe in my first 100 days in office. This is the overarching objective of the European Green Deal. "The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad — for work or tourism," she announced on Twitter. Há várias outras medidas, mas nada que sossegue a Greenpeace que, desde logo, e a par com outras associações ambientalistas, defende que uma redução de emissões inferior a 65% nunca será suficiente para atingir os parâmetros do Acordo de Paris, de manter o aquecimento global bem abaixo dos 2 graus Celsius e, se possível, limitado a 1,5 graus. Finally, green groups warned on the gaps between von der Leyen's rhetoric and the EU's climate action regarding, for example, the much-needed reform of the Common Agriculture Policy or the use of novel technologies to decarbonise industry. Vaccination strategy: MEPs call Ursula von der Leyen to account In her programmatic speech before the vote in the European Parliament (which she ended up winning by a narrow margin), designated EU … Em 2009, em plena recessão econômica, a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) já tinha apontado o caminho quando lançou um relatório intitulado Rethinking the Economic Recovery: A Global Green New Deal. Ursula von der Leyen's proposal of a European Green Deal is ambitious and urgent. Mas o seu programa fica aquém do que é necessário - oferecer soluções antigas falhadas para novos problemas. Then this plan is for you. Escolha um dos seguintes tópicos para criar um grupo no Fórum Público. Brussels, 17. And so, last month, EU commission president Ursula von der Leyen unveiled the European green deal, a €1tn, 10-year plan to reduce the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% compared with 1990. Today’s announcement follows a promise from von der Leyen to present a Green Deal for Europe within 100 days of taking office on 1 November. Actions. In total, over one-third of the recovery fund will be spent on environmental projects, although the long-term EU budget is set to keep funding fossil fuels. Brussels, 11/12/2019 - 21:36, UNIQUE ID: 191211_20. the long-term EU budget is set to keep funding fossil fuels. The 61-year old former German defence minister, who only narrowly won the backing of MEPs last year, outlined not a vision, but an ambitious list of policies to tackle - including more health care competencies to the EU. Liberal MEP Pascal Canfin told EUobserver earlier this week that "this [move] would not only contribute to significantly boost the green bonds markets globally, but it will also strengthen the role of the union as a global trendsetter for green finance". Greenpeace já avisou que medidas agora propostas não chegam para travar a emergência climática. Here are the 10 main points in the Commission plan: 1. We need a just transition for all. It is ambitious, it is designed to be just, and it is made in Europe for Europe to lead the way to climate neutrality in 2050. Nas redes sociais, as pessoas partilham as realizações dos seus amigos, por exemplo, os parabéns por angariarem uma ronda de capital de risco, conseguirem um novo emprego. ‘Climate neutral’ Europe. The message from Europe’s voters – and those too young to vote – is loud and clear: they want real action on climate change and they want Europe to lead the way. Ursula von der Leyen, the new president of the European Union's executive Commission, laid out the details of her "European Green Deal" on Wednesday, coinciding with a U.N. summit on the climate. Am Nachmittag stellt von der Leyen den Plan in einer Sondersitzung des … E o que diz esta primeira versão do documento? Political Guidelines | Ursula von der Leyen, Candidate for the European Commission President 6 East to West, from South to North to keep up with the transformations of our world. Even though we know that from a scientific point of view, 55 percent will not be enough," said the leader of the Greens in the parliament, Ska Keller. And indeed, it is worth looking back. Speech by President von der Leyen in the Plenary of the European Parliament at the debate on the European Green Deal . The plan outlines investments needed and financing tools available. All EU action on the climate stands at the crossroads between domestic ambition and international cooperation - especially with the G20 countries, which are responsible for about 80 percent of all global emissions. The European Green Deal provides an action plan to. EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL European Green Deal: muito mais do que uma estratégia para frear as mudanças climáticas. EEAS homepage > Tanzania > Op-Ed: The European Green Deal, by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. Next year, the commission also wants to put forward a "carbon border-adjustment mechanism" for selected sectors, as a part of its Green Deal. Der Plan geht vielen Kritikern nicht weit genug. O documento revelado aponta ainda para a criação de um “plano de acção para financiamento verde” que deverá ser apresentado em Junho do próximo ano. Von der Leyen said just before her election as European Commission president she would make Europe the "first climate neutral continent." Von der Leyen Pushes Green Deal in European Parliament Speech. Although the Covid-19 pandemic has stalled climate negotiations, work has not stopped. However, according to the commission chief, "the construction sector can even be turned from a carbon source into a carbon sink if organic building materials like wood and smart technologies like artificial intelligence are applied". Ursula von der Leyen has unveiled proposals for a €1 trillion European Green Deal Investment Plan. Thank you very much, dear Klaus. On Tuesday, MEPs from the parliament's environment committee agreed to allow financing of investments in gas projects from the Just Transition Fund - which aims to support fossil fuel-dependent regions to green their economies. News Von der Leyen urges 'green deal' for a more united EU. The EU's updated 2030 climate-target plan, due to be presented by the European Commission, have been criticised for including land and forest carbon sinks in its emissions-reduction goal. Ursula von der Leyen, new president of the European Union's executive Commission, will lay out details of her "European Green Deal" on Wednesday to coincide with a U.N. summit. English (73.37 kB - PDF) Download (73.37 kB - PDF) Related documents. Watch our editor-in-chief Koert Debeuf explain the reasons in this 30-second video. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, promised on Wednesday (16 September) that the Green Deal will lead the investment plan needed in Europe for a future-orientated "true recovery". Que na mesma altura será apresentada uma visão estratégica com novas ambições para a preservação da biodiversidade a nível global (com medidas concretas previstas para o ano seguinte). Here are advance details of her plan to make the EU the world's first "climate-neutral" continent by 2050. It explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition. A sua chamada passou despercebida. O eixo da UE é o Green Deal, mesmo na recuperação. Von der Leyen has said she wants the EU to reduce carbon emissions by at least 50% by 2030, compared with 1990 levels, considerably more than the current agreed goals of 40% by 2030. In early 2021, the commission will put forward EU green bonds standards, setting out clearly which assets and projects the money can be used for. “The Green Deal comes with important investment needs, which we will turn into investment opportunities,” von der Leyen said. Sep 2020, 07:03. By next summer, Brussels aims to revise all climate-and-energy-related legislation to make it "fit" for the new 2030 goal. Ainda é só uma primeira versão, um “documento interno” que deverá ser ainda bastante alterado antes do resultado final, mas o Pacto Ecológico Verde (Green Deal) que a comissão de Ursula von der Leyen quer ter pronta até 11 de Dezembro já não é segredo e recebeu as primeiras críticas. “Simplesmente não está à altura” das actuais exigências, resumiu Sebastian Mang, conselheiro europeu para o clima da organização. Op-Eds "Science tells us that we can still stop this epidemic, but we are running out of time. Ao activar esta opção, receberá um email sempre que forem feitas novas publicações neste grupo de discussão. Members of the European Parliament's environment committee on Thursday will vote on a crucial report about the new EU climate law. 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Documento de trabalho ainda deverá sofrer várias alterações, até ser revelada a versão final, programada para 11 de Dezembro. Home News-Politics Von der Leyen: Outlining the European Green Deal Von der Leyen: Outlining the European Green Deal Admin December 11, 2019. The Green Deal is an integral part of this Commission’s strategy to implement the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals 3, and the other priorities announced in President von der Leyen’s political guidelines 4. Science has overtaken industry" News/Politics 2020-10-05T08:17:43.927Z. [1] Climate and environment were major issues all over the EU in European Elections in May leading to a ‘Green Wave’ of success for candidates backing green policies. Von der Leyen: "Underestimated difficulty in mass production of vaccines. Para convencer os eurodeputados, Ursula von der Leyen distribuiu promessas: "Green Deal", mais proteção social e até que consideraria mais tempo para o Brexit, algo que não está nas suas mãos. She spoke about issues from climate change to big tech and the impact of COVID-19. News/Politics 2021-02-10T05:47:58.392Z. Mail. Von der Leyen promises Green Deal will be 'true recovery'. European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, gave a special address to Davos Agenda Week. A new report indicates that the EU's plan to reduce the bloc's greenhouse emissions by 55 percent by 2030 is "technically and economically feasible" - with a reform of EU carbon market and "adequate safeguards" for low-income EU countries. If you have any thoughts on this story, we would love to hear it. But the German commission chief warned that the Green Deal involves much more than cutting emissions. Que será eliminada “toda a legislação incoerente que reduza a eficiência na prossecução do Pacto Ecológico Verde”. She spoke about issues from climate change to big tech and the impact of COVID-19. , your membership gives you access to all of our stories. Our goal is to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. For European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans, the Common Agricultural Policy has to answer to "higher expectations" on climate action, protection of biodiversity and environmental sustainability, while ensuring a fair income for all farmers. "There is no more urgent need for acceleration than when it comes to the future of our fragile planet," she added. “Ms von der Leyen's call for investment to be directed towards the Green Deal means that industrial and innovation policies should not be focused on particular companies or sectors. Why Iran desperately wants a new nuclear deal. European Commission Speech Brussels, 11 Dec 2019 Merci beaucoup Monsieur le Président, Il y a deux semaines que j'ai fait une promesse à ce … July 16, 2019 (EIRNS)— If you thought there could be nothing worse than Jean-Claude Juncker as head of the European Commission, his designated successor will have you changing your mind. DESSAU, Germany — Ursula von der Leyen wants Europe to tap into its inner avant-garde. But can a deal be agreed? July 16, 2019 (EIRNS)— If you thought there could be nothing worse than Jean-Claude Juncker as head of the European Commission, his designated successor will have you changing your mind. But it is no longer the top priority for many people. The green bond market has exploded in recent years - but it still constitutes only 3.7 percent of the total global bond issuance. However, the head of the EU executive also acknowledged that her proposal would divide member states, who have previously expressed concerns about their different domestic starting positions. 1. We highly appreciate your support and value your feedback. Green groups describe it as an "accounting trick". "It is good to see that you set out a higher emission-reduction target. Hoje, Ursula von der Leyen anuncia o seu "green deal". Student or retired? European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Thursday that they have reached a trade deal with the United Kingdom. Von der Leyen noted 170 business leaders and investors from small and medium-sized enterprises to the world’s biggest companies asked her in a joint letter yesterday to set the target at 55% at least.

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