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Matthias Risse. Course Outlines: PHIL M01 – Introduction to Philosophy. 385-3 Mystical Literature and Meditation. View Schools. PART I: REASON & FAITH. Changes in biology and medicine have brought into sharp focus such problems as allocation of scarce medical resources, use of human subjects in experiments, abortion, euthanasia, genetic screening, truth-telling in medical practice, moral rights of patients and other matters. Admissions and Certification of Minor Other topics include truth functional and non-truth functional connectives, truth-tables, informal proofs, proofs of non-consequence, derivations using a Fitch natural deduction system, and translations to and from English. 455-3 Philosophy of Race. The course studies an ancient philosophy text on love, a classical text of twentieth-century feminist philosophy, and critiques of feminism that draw on the life of gender, sexuality, and race. PHL. This course concerns the nature of meaning and its connection to metaphysics and epistemology. Distance Learning Philosophy Bachelor's Degree Programs, PhD in Philosophy: Online and Campus-Based Programs. Course Description Philosophy of Education is a systematic reflection upon the variety of activities and practices by which we seek to impart knowledge and information and develop human capacities. Educational philosophy questions involve such issues as a teacher's vision of their role as a teacher, their view of how students learn best, and their basic goals for their students. It helps in answering what educational institutions are for, what subjects are important, how students should learn and what materials and methods should be used. 389-3 Existential Philosophy. What Can You Do with a Master's in Organizational Leadership? Students should have taken three prior courses in philosophy, at least two at the 200-level before enrolling in a 300-level course. The course will conclude with a discussion of the Hellenistic systems of Stoicism, Epicureanism, and the Neo-Platonic mysticism of Plotinus of the Roman period. The Horizon Project is a 100-hour project that Honors Diploma students complete within a field of their interest. Study of the philosophy of one or more of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Malebranche, Wolff. 104-3 Ethics. Metaphysics explores the relationships between different aspects of the natural world, causation between different things and the unchanging nature of others. (Same as CLAS 470B) A general survey of the Aristotelian philosophy including the theory of nature, metaphysics, ethics, and political philosophy. (A) The first semester will cover the early civilization of the Near East, the classical world of Greece and Rome, early China and India. PHIL 1.08 (11/D-remote synchronous) Philosophy of Time & Time Travel. They also look at methods used to determine the reliability of both types of arguments. PHI 205 and PHI 210 may not both be used toward the Minor. Two philosophy courses or instructor’s permission. From World War I to the Present. COURSES. Introductory Options We offer a great variety of exciting topical introductions to philosophy. Students, who are philosophy majors, may study logic, ancient philosophy, modern philosophy, ethics, reasoning, metaphysics and epistemology as part of their course curriculum. 314-3 Love, Sex, Gender, and Philosophy. 344-3 Biomedical Ethics. Du Bois and His Contemporaries," "Pan-Africanism," "Philosophies of Liberation," "Black Feminism," "Contemporary African Philosophy," "Philosophies of the Caribbean." In addition to reading primary sources representative of Western and Eastern mystical traditions, this course will include a weekly lab during which the student will be exposed to meditative techniques and actual meditative practices. Hart, have written about the nature of a legal system and the appropriate realm of legal regulation. Courses for qualified students who need to pursue certain topics further than regularly titled courses permit. Supervised readings for qualified students. This consultation will range not only over the proposed program of philosophy courses, but also over the entire undergraduate curriculum, in an attempt to ensure that it is both coherent and appropriate to the student's long-range goals. Philosophy of Technology: From Marx and Heidegger to AI, Genome Editing, and Geoengineering. 485-3 The Presocratics. Despite the seemingly abstract nature of this field, the skills of logic, close reading, and concise writing that are at the core of philosophy have very concrete applications in virtually any field that requires critical thinking and communications skills. See Course Site. 305A or B satisfies the University Core Curriculum Humanities requirement in lieu of 102. They may go on to consider current and tradition theories of freedom, duty, happiness, evil, good, wrong, right and value. It may cover the analysis of evidence, certainty, rationality, justified belief and knowledge. In addition, each joint course has some philosophy subject or subjects as part of its First Public Examination, normally taken in the first year. Prerequisite: PHIL 305A or B or consent of instructor. 445-3 Philosophy of Law. 102-3 Introduction to Philosophy. 320-3 Deductive Logic. Bachelor's degree programs in philosophy introduce the major tenets of the discipline,... Master's Degree in Philosophy. 308I-3 Asian Religions: A Philosophical Approach. Students must maintain a 3.75 weighted GPA, complete at least three AP courses, pursue four independent study projects within honors-level courses, and complete the Horizon Project. Emphasis throughout is upon developing in the student an appreciation of the nature of philosophical questioning, analyzing and evaluating arguments and reflecting on the nature of human existence. 301-3 Philosophy of Religion. What role does imagination play in each of these accounts, and does this tell us something important about how people experience their world? (Same as WGSS 314) A survey of philosophical approaches to love, sex, and gender. Share. Surveys the two main sources of existentialism, the philosophies of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, with occasional reference to thinkers such as Sartre, Heidegger, Buber, Marcel, and others. Course descriptions The program in philosophy introduces students to basic philosophical issues and acquaints them with techniques of philosophical inquiry. Varying topics and thinkers across the entire spectrum of philosophy, outside of regularly titled courses, and in response to students' interests. 470A-3 Greek Philosophy-Plato. This is really to say that curriculum is normative in the sense in which philosophy is. $ 97.00 (Same as CLAS 470A) Survey of Plato's dialogues mostly selected from those of the middle period (Meno, Phaedo, Symposium, Republic, Phaedrus), perhaps along with some from the early period (especially Protagoras) and late period (Sophist, Timaeus). Concentration on the Rationalist and Empiricist traditions and the simultaneous development of modern science. Emphasis is on classical traditions, since this provides a solid foundation upon which students are than able to pursue further independent readings in more recent developments. Prerequisite: at least one previous course in Philosophy or Africana Studies with a minimum grade of C. 459-1 to 6 Topics in Africana Philosophy. (Same as POLS 405) An examination of various aspects of democratic thought, including the liberal tradition and its impact upon the United States. Thinkers throughout the ages have built upon this tradition - and, at times, radically questioned it. Although the course is called an introduction, it is more an invitation to do philosophy than an introduction to it. Last Updated: Mar 26, 2021, 04:57 PM Can we know what reality truly is or is the human mind fated to behold only the world as it appears to us? 304A-3 Ancient Philosophy. Helpful documents: Philosophy Major/Minor Requirements; Philosophy Major Worksheet ; Departmental Requirements for a Minor in Philosophy. Can we at least know ourselves? From the Colonial Era to the Eve of World War I. 305B-3 Modern Philosophy-Moral and Political Philosophy. (University Core Curriculum) [IAI Course: HF 906D] This course will survey the diverse traditions, ideas and ideals that have shaped American culture in the past and today. in Counseling Psychology? … 470B-3 Greek Philosophy-Aristotle. This course focuses on African, Caribbean, and Latin American philosophers who have and continue to contribute to the development of post-colonial philosophy. The aim is to provide the philosophy major with a thorough grounding in the development of philosophy so that the student is well prepared to participate in the discussion of contemporary issues. The emphasis is on the concept of logical consequence and the related concepts of tautological and analytic (semantic) consequence. This class explores the relationship between human beings, globalization, and the natural world. All rights reserved. What are the Core Courses Offered in an Associate of Arts Degree? Metaphysics deals with the broadest and most fundamental concepts: What does it mean to exist? Some of the above subjects are compulsory in one or other of the courses containing Philosophy. Fulfills the CoLA Writing-Across-the-Curriculum requirement. On the same note, and in respect to philosophy, curriculum is prescriptive in that it gives the general guidelines or specifies what kinds of courses or topics that must be covered so as to achieve a given level of grade or standard. In this class we will examine how post-colonial thinkers challenge and rework some of the main areas of philosophy, such as epistemology, political philosophy, ethics, philosophy of language, etc., by decentering the colonial assumptions that underpin these areas and their development. The course incorporates a physical activity component: walking, jogging, table tennis, for example. Philosophy Degree Programs with Course Information Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy. Uses LSAT guides on Logical Reasoning and Logic games as texts. PHL 260 Mind and Nature is recommended but not required. 499-3 Senior Thesis. 303I-3 Philosophy and the Arts. Students study all the major ancient philosophers, including Stoics, Epicureans, Skeptics and the pre-Socratics, along with Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and other noted Hellenistic philosophers. Concentration on the Rationalist and Empiricist traditions and the simultaneous development of modern science. (University Core Curriculum course) A survey course covering the major figures and themes in the development of modern philosophy up to Kant. A paper on a topic agreed to by the student and a faculty thesis director. My philosophy of curriculum as it pertains to this course and through my new eyes at the end of the course, points to the constructivist-style curriculum as the most logical, meaningful, purposeful, intellectual, and authentic exemplars to model after. Either 305A or 305B fulfills the CoLA Writing-Across-the-Curriculum requirement. 486-3 Early American Philosophy. Advanced philosophy of physics (Physics and Philosophy only) Philosophy of Mathematics; Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Philosophical Logic; Practical Ethics; The Philosophy of Wittgenstein; Plato on Knowledge, Language and Reality in the Theaetetus and Sophist Aristotle on Nature, Life and Mind Models of ethical decision-making and moral philosophy are introduced to encourage students to think critically about the mass media and their roles in modern society. 482-3 Recent European Philosophy. Prerequisite: PHIL 305 or consent of instructor. Topics will include: the idea of a well-lived life (happiness), the relation of reason and desire, character formation, deliberative and moral reasoning, the types of human excellence, friendship and the role of philosophy in a well-lived life. Students study the ideas of morality, human knowledge and freedom through the works of Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume and Bacon. Prerequisite: PHIL 304 with a grade of B or better. It encompasses questions about whether what fundamentally exists is one or many. Prerequisite: PHIL 340 or PHIL 102 or consent of instructor. (Same as AFR 499B) A survey and critical examination of a range of theories on the nature and meaning of "race," the intersection of race with class and gender, and the promotion of racial progress. Students will learn about the development of a wide range of ancient technologies, from tool-making to the discovery of the Pythagorean theorem. Students are invited to propose topics. Master of Arts (M.A.) Survey of 19th century European philosophy, focusing on the development of idealism and romanticism. Study of the principles of British empiricism as represented by Hume. Students choose to continue with all three branches (tripartite) or concentrate on any two (bipartite), taking compulsory courses in the chosen branches along with optional courses: Philosophy. 306-3 Nineteenth Century Philosophy. 304B-3 Ancient Technologies and the Greek Philosophers. Fill out the SGS Add/Drop Course(s) Form, have it signed by the instructor, and submit it to the Graduate Administrator. 305A-3 Modern Philosophy-Metaphysics and Epistemology. The curriculum covers possibility and necessity, the nature of causation, the nature of events and the idea of existence. Home > Study > EHEA bachelor's degree courses > P > Philosophy - Course curriculum Philosophy. Students are invited to suggest topics. Oxford University This course will introduce and explore the profound tradition of literature that has nourished religious, ethical, as well as philosophical and literary, developments in Western and Eastern cultures, but has often been overlooked, not only by the sciences, but also by the humanities: the tradition of mystical literature. 340-3 Ethical Theories. The course goes on to consider arguments composition, arguments informal evaluation and scientific thinking. 433-3 Post-Colonialism Philosophy. 451-3 History of African American Philosophy. What Top Schools Have Baking and Pastry Arts Associate's Degrees? PHIL 1.04 (9L/BL) God, Darwin, … Social theory as practical knowledge. Curriculum and courses. Students flourish in a supportive community that treats them as an individual, and their successes continue long after F&M. 491-1 to 6 Undergraduate Directed Readings. The course will survey the Presocratic movement from the Milesians, Heraclitus and the Pythagoreans to the Eleatics, Empedocles, Anaxagoras and Democritus. Students look at the ethical issues surrounding just punishment, freedom, civil disobedience, justice, distributive justice, community, rights and the relationship between law and morality. Fulfills the CoLA Writing-Across-the-Curriculum (WAC) requirement. This course will study the rise of Transcendentalism as a philosophical movement in early Nineteenth Century New England. M/P/A. This is an introduction to philosophy that explores a range of issues pertaining to religious conviction, knowledge, mind, freedom, ethics, and value. Prerequisite: POLS 114 or consent of instructor. Special approval needed from the instructor and department. 390-1 to 3 Undergraduate Seminar. (University Core Curriculum) (Same as JRNL 399) The First Amendment protects citizens from the government and sets boundaries of democratic self-government. High School Philosophy Curriculum. 446A-Feminist Philosophy. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Humanities requirement in lieu of PHIL 102. An examination of some of the most important figures and themes in medieval philosophical thought. The curriculum of a course in modern philosophy covers thinkers during the Enlightenment age, along with those of the critical, empiricist and rationalist traditions. 415-3 Logic of Social Sciences. 434-3 Media Ethics. Try out courses such as Phil 1.03 Philosophy and Economics, Phil 1.14 Knowledge, Truth, and Power, or Phil 9.08 Ethics and Information Technology. Since it is not possible to be all inclusive, concentration will be on those with continuing significant spiritual, philosophical, social, political, aesthetic and literary influence. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Humanities requirement in lieu of PHIL 102. What is "causality"? Special approval needed from the instructor. Course Description: A challenging elective course that examines the foundations of logic, ethics and epistemology in the classical tradition. Writing. Online Degrees for Aspiring Private Investigators, Human Resources Management Associate Degree. Yoga Alliance accredited course taught by Ram Jain. (Same as WGSS 456B) A special area in feminist philosophy explored in depth, such as Feminist Ethics, French Feminism, Feminist Philosophy of Science, etc. Philosophical trends in Europe from the end of the 19th Century to the present. Bentham, Mill, Aristotle, Kant, Blanshard, and Brightman. PHIL M02 – Introduction to Ethics. (Same as JRNL 434) Explores the moral environment of the mass media and the ethical problems that confront media practitioners. Bucknell’s philosophy curriculum offers courses in a wide variety of subjects, figures, historical periods, traditions, movements and methodological perspectives. (University Core Curriculum) [IAI Course: H4 900] Introduction to fundamental philosophical issues across a broad spectrum. Readings may include: Greek drama (e.g., Abtigone, Medea), Aristotle's Politics, and contemporary writers in "virtue ethics." 441-3 Philosophy of Politics. We will examine several important theories that define art by focusing in on only one aspect, for example, imitation, expression, form, institutional setting, or even indefinability. Ethics; Either Early modern philosophy or Knowledge and reality or Plato’s Republic or Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics; Politics (any two of these) Topics will include: the idea of nature, origin/source/principle (arche), the mathematical and nature, Being, pluralism and monism, the atomic theory. How Can I Earn a Food Safety Certification? PHIL M03 – Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy. (University Core Curriculum) [IAI Course: H4 904] Introduction to contemporary and perennial problems of personal and social morality, and to methods proposed for their resolution by great thinkers past and present. Possible topics include: source of and contemporary challenges to the traditional Western idea that literature cannot be or contribute to philosophy; the role of emotion, imagination and aesthetic value in philosophic reasoning; the role of literature in moral philosophy; and philosophic issues of interpretation. (University Core Curriculum) (Same as JRNL 334) The purpose of this course is to discuss what it means to act ethically. Elective Course Prerequisites: World History . The worldview component provides the balance so often lacking in other philosophy courses!”—Cathy Duffy, 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum Problems in metaphysics, epistemology and ethics will be among the areas explored. Moorpark College. Is there an ultimate or highest reality, that which some call God? Study of the principles of British empiricism as represented by Locke. Plunkett and Phillips (Identical to COCO 31 and COGS … This course will focus on reading Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. The major American philosophers of the 20th Century, covering such issues as naturalism, emergentism, process philosophy, and neopragmatism. Some courses focus on general fields such as ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, epistemology and logic. Readings include selections from Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and others. Movements such as Puritanism, the theory of the American Revolution, the philosophical basis of the Constitution, transcendentalism, idealism, Darwinism and pragmatism and such figures as: Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Josiah Royce, Charles Sanders Peirce, and William James. The great traditions of Near Eastern, European, Central Asian, Indian, Chinese and Japanese cultures will be examined. Philosophy Majors: Salary and Career Facts. The Philosophy section of MIT's Department of Linguistics and Philosophy offers two undergraduate majors: one a general philosophy major, and another joint major with the linguistics section in the foundations of the study of language and mind. Such theories include racial realism and idealism, racial biologism, cultural race theory, social constructivist theory, integrationism, separatism, racial eliminativism, cosmopolitanism, and especially critical race theory. 334-3 Ethics in Media, Culture and Society. Introduction; Applicant profile; Course curriculum; Admission requirements; Career opportunities; Distribution of credits. A 300-level course focused on ethics in the Department of Philosophy. Learn yoga philosophy with our 20 hour online yoga philsophy course. 473A-3 The Empiricists-Locke. 305A or B satisfies the University Core Curriculum Humanities requirement in lieu of 102. Students study such metaphysical ideas as freedom, truth, identity, existence, time, properties, causality, universals, particulars and reality.
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