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(2012). MMR challenges the mono-method approaches that are still dominant in the social sciences, and this is both refreshing and important. By contrast, classical social science disciples are barely represented. Theory and Society Contents. Johan Heilbron would like to thank Louise and John Steffens, members of the Friends Founders’ Circle, who assisted his stay at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study in 2017-18 during which he completed his part of the present article. The Handbook contains a gold mine of articles by leading scholars on what has come to be known as the third methodological movement in social research. In W. Bijker, T. Hughes, T. Pinch, & D. Douglas (Eds. Of bicycles, bakelites, and bulbs: Toward a theory of sociotechnical change. These producers are seen as intellectual leaders by most agents in the field, especially by those aspiring to become part of the specific networks of production and circulation they maintain. After removing multiple occurring journals, we obtained a list of 164 journals. Admission requirements. While it goes beyond the scope of this article to delve into the history of the qualitative-quantitative divide in the social sciences, some broad observations can be made here. Denscombe, M. (2008). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. They locate its beginnings in the late 1980s when researchers in various fields began to combine qualitative and quantitative methods (ibid., pp. This approach, which explicitly aims to offer a framework for combining methods, has rapidly spread through the social and behavioural sciences, and this article offers an analysis of the approach from a field theoretical perspective. 116–117). Tashakkori, A., & Teddlie, C. (2010c). Unmixing mixed methods research. Mixed methods research approaches are gaining traction across various social science disciplines, including among developmental scientists. Such a programme should be based on studying the process of codification and standardization of methods in their historical context of production, circulation, and use. A history of sociological research methods in America: 1920–1960. The answer to this question provides an assessment of the current state of MMR. ), Virtual knowledge. Nastasi, B., Hitchcock, J., & Brown, L. (2010). For instance, Bryman (2009) worried that MMR could become “a ghetto.” For him, the institutional landmarks of having a journal, conferences, and a handbook increase the risk of “not considering the whole range of possibilities.” He added: “I don’t regard it as a field, I kind of think of it as a way of thinking about how you go about research.” (Bryman, cited in Leech 2010, p. 261). Bourdieu, P. (1988). Big data and the methodological challenges of empirical sociology. Retrieved from New York, NY: Guilford Press. Prior to 2001 most articles (23 out of 31) refer to “multiple methods” or “multi-method” in their title or abstract, while the term “mixed methods” gains traction after 2001. Mixed methods research assumes a worldview or several worldviews, a posi-tion that we will advance in more detail in Chapter 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. The exception are the agents located at the autonomous end of the field who possess less scientific capital and outright reject this orthodoxy produced by the field’s elite. Methods and data are conceptualised intertwiningly: methods too are seen as either quantitative or qualitative (often written as QUANT and QUAL in the literature), and perform the role of linking epistemology and data. Multimethod research: A synthesis of styles. Correspondence to Morgan focuses especially on the work of Egon Guba and Yvonne Lincoln who developed what they initially termed a “naturalistic paradigm” as an alternative to their perception of positivism in the social sciences (e.g., Guba and Lincoln 1985).Footnote 9 MMR requires a more flexible or “a-paradigmatic stance” towards research, which would entail that “in real-world practice, methods can be separated from the epistemology out of which they emerged” (Patton 2002, quoted in Tashakkori and Teddlie 2010b, p. 14). See, for instance, Onwuegbuzie et al.’s (2011) classification of 58 qualitative data analysis techniques and 18 quantitative data analysis techniques. Serendipities, Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences, 2(1), 33–49 Retrieved from Epilogue. La spécifité du champ scientifique et les conditions sociales du progrès de la raison. Princeton: Princeton University Press. This pluralistic research approach has been gaining in popularity since the 1980s. Prior to this, there have been a number of conferences on MMR or occasions on which MMR was presented and discussed in other contexts. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Toward a definition of mixed methods research. Bourdieu, P. (1999). (2006). Communities of practice a research paradigm for the mixed methods approach. It would provide a basis for a sociological understanding of methods that can illuminate the critical moments in research alluded to above, enabling a systematic reflection on the process of objectification. After the crisis? However, in their later work (both together as well as with others or individually) and that of others in their wake, there seems to have been a shift towards a stricter interpretation of the qualitative/quantitative divide in metaphysical terms, enabling Teddlie and Tashakkori (2010b) to label this group “purists” (Tashakkori and Teddlie 2010b, p. 13). The use of terms such as “third paradigm” and “third methodology” also suggests that there is a tendency to perceive and promote MMR as a distinct and coherent way to do research. Seeing combining methods as equivalent to combining epistemologies that are somehow pure and internally homogeneous because they can be placed in a qualitative or quantitative framework essentially amounts to reifying these categories. Since MMR is still a relatively young phenomenon and academic institutionalization tends to lag scientific institutionalization (e.g., for the case of sociology and psychology, see Sapiro et al. In D. Edge, S. Jasanof, G. Markle, J. Petersen, & T. Pinch (Eds. The general order of Mixed methods research includes (Creswell, 2012): a) decide if a mixed methods study in viable. It analyses the key advantages and challenges of mixed methods research by critically discussing a series of examples of mixed methods research "in action" at different social science … Sociologie et Sociétés, 7(1), 91–118. We critically reviewed the emerging practice of combining methods under the label of MMR. Furthermore, a distinction needs to be made between the academic and the scientific field. A tale of two cultures: Qualitative and quantitative research in the social sciences. Tashakkori and Teddlie (2003) view these typologies as important elements of the organizational structure and legitimacy of the field. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Leech, N., & Onwuegbuzie, T. (2009). Freeman, L. (2004). This paper provides a framework for developing sampling designs in mixed methods research. New York, NY and London, UK: Guilford Press. The contributors to Best Practices in Quantitative Methods envision quantitative methods in the 21st century, identify the best practices, and, where possible, demonstrate the superiority of their recommendations empirically. Creswell, J. Methods are primarily viewed as ways of gathering data or as analytic techniques dealing with a specific kind of data. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Second, there is also the issue of the ontological dimension of methods that is disregarded in an exclusively epistemological framing of methods (e.g., Law 2004). Likewise, quantitative research lacks deep insights of context and reactions from people. The mixing of data types, known as data triangulation, is often thought to help in validating the claims that might arise from an initial pilot study. They are world-making technologies that encapsulate different assumptions on causality, rely on different conceptual relations and categorizations, allow for different degrees of emergence, and employ different theories of the data that they internalise as objects of analysis. Of course, in modern science these fields are closely related, but they do not coincide (Gingras and Gemme 2006). What it amounts to in practice is a methodology that lays out the basic guidelines for doing MMR in a “proper way.” This entails the danger of straight-jacketing reflection about the use of methods, decoupling it from theoretical and empirical considerations, thus favouring the unreflexive use of a standard methodology. Being strictly focused on the most autonomous principles of legitimacy, they are unable to accommodate and have no choice but to reject the orthodoxy. As a methodology, it involves philosophical assumptions that guide the direction of the collection and analysis of data and the mixture of qualitative and quantitative data in a single study or series of studies. Second, it entails the ontological consequences of practising methods: using, applying, and referring to methods and the realities this produces. writing about mixed methods research at the time that quali-tative research had achieved legitimacy and writers were advo-cating for its use in the social and human sciences. The JMMR was founded by the editors John Creswell and Abbas Tashakkori with the primary aim of “building an international and multidisciplinary community of mixed methods researchers.”Footnote 2 Contributions to the journal must “fit the definition of mixed methods research”Footnote 3 and explicitly integrate qualitative and quantitative aspects of research, either in an empirical study or in a more theoretical-methodologically oriented piece. (2007). Wacquant 2013, p. 20) and within disciplines these consecrated positions often are related to orthodox position-takings. However, in mature fields all agents—dominant and dominated—share an understanding of what is at stake in the field and tend to accept its principle of hierarchization. It would seem, then, that according to these authors the definitions of MMR have become more abstract, further away from the practicality of “merely” combining methods. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. These classifications represent diverse social science disciplines, including evaluation, health research, and educational research, which span the past 15 years of scholarly writings about mixed methods approaches. What constitutes legitimate knowledge in these disciplinary fields, the production of which bestows scholars with prestige and an aura of competence, is in large part determined by the dominant agents in the field, who occupy positions in which most of the consecration of scientific work takes place. Serendipities, Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences, 1(1) Retrieved from But this leads to a paradox, since the epistemological frameworks need to be held flexible enough to allow researchers to integrate elements of each of them (in the shape of methods) into one MMR design. The latter refers to the emergence of institutions that support the autonomization of scholarship such as scholarly associations and scientific journals. The field of cultural production. This way, a four-fold classification of innovative strategies in the scientific field emerges (see Fig. Using Mixed Methods in Monitoring and Evaluation: Experiences from International Development Evaluation . (see also Creswell et al. The second theme discussed in a large number of contributions is the role epistemology plays in MMR. Mixed methods are especially useful in understanding contradictions between quantitative results and qualitative findings. The history of method use in the social sciences can briefly be summarized as first, a rather fluid use of what can retrospectively be called different methods in large scale research projects—such as the Yankee City study of Lloyd Warner and his associates (see Platt 1996, p. 102), the study on union democracy of Lipset et al. Desrosières, A. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 9(2), 87-95. First, the risk an innovator faces depends on her position in the field. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 3(4), 349–370. ), The Sage handbook of qualitative research. The insight offered by Bourdieu’s notion of reflexivity is, on the contrary, that the actual research practice is fundamentally open in terms of being guided by a logic of practice that cannot be captured by a preconceived and all-encompassing logic independent of that practice. Leech, N. (2010). This, in turn, allows a more sophisticated validation of using—and combining—methods than relying on prescribed methodologies. Vancouver, Canada: Empirical Press. Innovations can be radical or revolutionary in a rational sense, but they tend to originate from questions raised by the orthodoxy of the field. It can be difficult for a single researcher especially when the two designs are best used concurrently, in this case the study might require a research team. Rob Timans. Fielding, N., & Cisneros-Puebla, C. (2009). Finally, we conclude with some tentative proposals for an alternative view on combining methods. Viewing MMR as a position-taking of academic entrepreneurs, linked to their objective position in this field, allows us to reflect sociologically on the substance of the approach. The main component of the expected profit from innovation in the first case is scientific, whereas in the second case the balance tends to shift towards more temporal profits. Mixed Methods, Mixed Methodologies, Mixed Methods (Methodology), Mixed methods (Social Sciences) Leary-Owhin (2016) Chapter 4 -manuscript- Lowell, MA, Exploring the Production of Urban Space For Lefebvre, the state and its constituent institutions call for urban spaces but they do not act alone or with impunity in the production of space and their specific requirements are often contested. The third problem that we identified with the MMR approach, then, is that with the impetus to standardize the MMR methodology by fixing methods epistemologically, complemented by a dichotomous view of data, they are, in the words of philosopher Bruno Latour, “blackboxed.” This is a peculiar result of the prescription for mixing methods as proposed by MMR that thus not only denies practice and the ontological dimensions of methods and data, but also casts methods in the role of unyielding black boxes.Footnote 10 With this in mind, it will come as no surprise that most foundational contributions to the MMR literature do not explicitly define what a method is, nor that they do not provide an elaborative historical account of individual methods. Moreover, MMR was on the list of sessions in a number of conferences on qualitative research (see, e.g., Creswell 2012). Bijker, W. (1997). Bryman, A. In Bourdieusian terms, they are objectifications of the subjectively understood practices of scientists “in other fields.” Rather than basing a practice of combining methods on an uncritical acceptance of the historically grown classification of types of social research (and using these as the building stones of a methodology of mixing methods), we propose the development of a multifaceted approach that is based on a study of the different socio-historical contexts and practices in which methods developed and circulated. Also, Creswell (2012) reports an almost hundred-fold increase in the number of theses and dissertations with mixed methods’ in the citation and abstract (from 26 in 1990–1994 to 2524 in 2005–2009). One of these must surely be the data-theoretical elements that different methods incorporate. ), Handbook of science and technology studies. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Cambridge, UK: Polity. This reflexivity, then, requires an analysis of the position of the researcher as a critical component of the research process, both as the embodiment of past choices that have consequences for the strategic position in the scientific field, and as predispositions regarding the choice for the subject and content of a research project. ), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (2nd ed.). Creswell, J. W. (2012). Table 1 lists all the authors that have published in the issues of the journal since its first publication in 2007 and that have either received more than 14 (4%) of the citations allocated between the group of 343 authors (the TLCS score in Table 1), or have written more than 2 articles for the Journal (1.2% of all the articles that have appeared from 2007 until October 2013) together with their educational background (i.e., the discipline in which they completed their PhD). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 12(3), 268–276. Mixed methods research approaches are gaining traction across various social science disciplines, including among developmental scientists. Of course, this difference is a matter of degree, as even the works produced at the most heteronomous positions still have to adhere to the standards of the scientific field to be seen as legitimate. Rather, we use the concept as a heuristic device to account for the phenomenon of MMR in the social context in which it emerged and diffused. Combining methods in social scientific research has recently gained momentum through a research strand called Mixed Methods Research (MMR). Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2(1), 7–22. Based on the discussion in this article and the contributions listed above, some tantalizing questions can be formulated. In the last decade, its procedures have been developed and refined Paris, France: Presses des Mines. This two-fold structuring of the field allows for a more nuanced conception of innovation than the dichotomy “conservative” versus “radical.” Holders of large amounts of scientific capital at the autonomous pole of the field are the producers and conservators of orthodoxy, producing and diffusing what can be called “orthodox innovations” through their control of relatively powerful networks of consecration and circulation. A history of philosophical and theoretical issues for mixed methods research. Out of the various topics that are actively discussed, we have distilled three themes that are important for the way the subfield of MMR conveys its autonomy as a field and as a distinct approach to research.Footnote 7 In our view, these also represent the main problems with the way MMR approaches the issue of combining methods. The same fields are also the first to cite the first textbooks and handbooks of MMR. Accessed 10/10/2018. This would locate Fielding closer to the MMR movement than the others. Of course, this does not mean that the reality of the differences between quantitative and qualitative research must be denied. Defining features of these designs are reported along with quality control methods, and ethical concerns. (Eds.). Mixed methods research originated in the social sciences and has recently expanded into the health . Patton, M. (2002). MMR can be seen as an innovation in the social scientific field, introducing a new methodology for combining existing methods in research. Admission to the MA Middle Eastern Studies (research) or the MA Asian Studies (research). He has been awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award from the LSU College of Education. The themes summarize the key issues through which MMR as a group comes “into difference” (Bourdieu 1993, p. 32). Guba and Lincoln (1985) discuss the features of their version of a positivistic approach mainly in ontological and epistemological terms, but they are also careful to distinguish the opposition between naturalistic and positivist approaches from the difference between what they call the quantitative and the qualitative paradigms. Has MMR become a recognizable realm of knowledge production? Mixed methods research: Contemporary issues in an emerging field. Qualitative research alone restricts the number of participants and the issues to be discussed (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009). Social fields, subfields and social spaces at the scale of empires: Explaining the colonial state and colonial sociology. Fielding, N. (2012). Bourdieu, P. (2002). (2011). Since we can consider MMR to be an emerging subfield, where positions and position takings are not as clearly defined as in more mature and settled fields, it comes as no surprise that there is a lively discussion of fundamental matters. Addressing these problems entices a reflection on methods and using (multiple) methods that is missing in the MMR perspective. They therefore perceive the emergence of the practice of combining methods as a bottom up process that grew out of research practices, and at some point in time converged towards a more structural approach.Footnote 4 Historical accounts such as these add a cognitive dimension to the efforts to institutionalize MMR. This consecration involves scientific rather than academic capital (cf. This can be seen both from the establishment of formal institutions (like associations and journals) and more informal ones that rely more on the tacit agreement between agents about “what MMR is” (an example of this, which we address later in the article, is the search for a common definition of MMR in order to fix the meaning of the term). An example of the first is the conference on mixed method research design held in Basel in 2005. 56-59) to 15 typologies. As another example of the ubiquity of these typologies, Nastasi et al. Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) list a number of authors who have proposed a different definition of MMR, and conclude that there is a common trend in the content of these definitions over time. How can this be understood from a field theoretical perspective? The integration of qualitative and quantitative data always offers better understanding of the studied concepts (Runeson & Höst, 2009). (1984). Proposals for typologies can be found in textbooks, articles, and contributions to the handbook(s). Paradigms lost and pragmatism regained: Methodological implications of combining qualitative and quantitative methods. In this chapter, we discuss the utility of a mixed methods research approach in examining issues related to equity and justice. Mixed methods research is viewed as the third methodological movement and as an approach it has much to offer health and social science research. In C. Fleck, M. Duller, & V. Karady (Eds. (1956). Nevertheless, as a distinct subfield, it also has specific principles that govern the production of knowledge and the rewards of domination. MacKenzie, D. (1981). This latter facet brings the world-making and boundary-drawing capacities of methods to the fore. 20–21). It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. (2008). The interest in combining methods in social scientific research has a long history. Creswell describes himself as “a postpositivist in the 1970s, self-education as a constructivist through teaching qualitative courses in the 1980s, and advocacy for mixed methods (…) from the 1990s to the present” (Creswell 2011, p. 269). Researchers may conduct mixed methods research to acquire multiple perspectives, as one data source is insufficient to view or clarify the problem. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. At the core of the MMR approach we thus find that methods are seen as unproblematic representations of different epistemologies. Onwuegbuzie, A., Leech, N., & Collins, K. (2011). These differences inform method construction, controversies surrounding methods and, hence, opportunities for combining methods. The main focus of these agents will generally be the disciplinary field in which they built their careers and invested their capital. During the 1990s and currently, the term mixed methods research has become more popular for this research movement in the behavioral, social, business, and health sciences. European journals in the social sciences and humanities. ), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research. To put it bluntly, the name “mixed methods research” is actually a misnomer, because what is mixed are paradigms or “approaches,” not methods. Teach mixed methods using the Titanic datasets Thanks to downloadable datasets, a step-by-step exercise, and key-publications, you will be able to learn or teach mixed methods to your students. In Table 2 only the journal Field Methods (Anthropology) and the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Psychology) are related to classical disciplines. The selections that Leech and Creswell make regarding the key actors are based on their close involvement with the “MMR movement.” It is corroborated by a simple analysis of the articles that appeared in the Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR), founded in 2007 as an outlet for MMR. On her website, Morse lists 11 publications (journal articles, book chapters, and books) that explicitly make reference to mixed methods (and a substantial number of other publications are about methodological aspects of research), so the fact that she has not (yet) published in the JMMR cannot, by itself, be taken as an indication of a lesser involvement with the practice of combining methods. While the academic field revolves around universities and other degree-granting institutions, the stakes in the scientific field entail the production and valuation of knowledge. ), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (2nd ed.). (2008). How do they circulate and how are they translated and used in different contexts? Johnson, Onwuegbuzie, and Turner (2007, p. 123). Bryman, A. Controversies in mixed methods research. Mixed methods research: A guide to the field. Definition from: Johnson, R. B., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Turner, L. A. Creswell, J., & Plano Clark, V. (2011). But it immediately raises the question: why stop there? Combining methods should indeed be taken much more seriously in the social sciences. Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., & Bala, H. (2013). Mixed methods research: what it is and what it could be,,,_PhD,_FAAN/hm/index.hml,,,, We searched the titles and abstracts of the articles appearing in these journals over the period 1992–2016 for occurrences of the terms “mixed method” or “multiple methods” and variants thereof. (Eds.). c) Mixed methods consider priority, the researchers indicate which method design data carries more emphasis; d) Mixed methods consider sequence, the researcher explains the data gathering order (sequential or concurrent) for the reader; e) Mixed methods match the data analysis to a specific design type. Researchers provide the reader with some type of visual of the procedures used. Sloppy data floods or precise social science methodologies? But first, we take stock of the current situation of MMR by focusing on the degree of institutionalization of MMR in the scientific field. We then delve deeper into some of the specific elements that constitute the MMR approach, and we engage critically with the assumptions that underlay this particular conception of using multiple methods. The importance attached to the epistemological grounding of methods and data in MMR also disregards the ontological aspects of methods. At the dominant side, those with more scientific capital tend to have access to the field of power, agents who hold the most economic and cultural capital, for example by holding positions in policy advisory committees or company boards. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds. Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research. Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research. In social science, mixed method can be used to refer to the combination of both quantitative and qualitative data sources in a single study. To get ahead of the discussion, these problems have to do with the framing of MMR as a distinct methodology and its specific conceptualization of data and methods of data analysis.

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