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Ursprünglich stammt sie aus Malaysia. [23] The remaining portion of Fat Deer Key and most of Shelter Key are part of Key Colony Beach.). Beginning some 130,000 years ago the Sangamonian Stage raised sea levels about 25 feet (7.6 m) feet above the current level. Mean monthly maxima and minima (i.e. The warm and sunny winter climate, with average highs around 75 °F (24 °C) and lows above 60 °F (16 °C), is the main tourist season in the Florida Keys. Das Klima erlaubt vielen importierten Pflanzen zu gedeihen. Nearly any houseplant known to commerce, and most landscape plants of the South, can thrive in the Keys climate. There are two main "seasons" in the Florida Keys, a hot and wet season from June through October, and a dry season from November through April, that features little rainfall, sunny skies, and warm breezy conditions. Bahia Honda State Park: Der schönste Strand der Keys - Auf Tripadvisor finden Sie 3.986 Bewertungen von Reisenden, 3.469 authentische Reisefotos und Top Angebote für Big Pine Key, FL. Hundreds of World War I veterans working on the roadway as part of a government relief program were housed in non-reinforced buildings in three construction camps in the Upper Keys. The climate and environment of the Florida Keys are closer to that of the Caribbean than the rest of Florida, though unlike the Caribbean's volcanic islands, the Keys were built by plants and animals. Key-Rehe kann man überall auf Big Pine Key und verstreut auf anderen Mini-Inseln antreffen. Despite this reconstruction, U.S. 1 was not widened on a large scale, and today most of the route consists of just two lanes. Dustan points out that in the Florida Keys alone extensive reef monitoring studies conducted by the EPA and other agencies have shown that the reefs lost more than 38% of their living coral cover from 1996 to 1999. In some places, "caprock" (the eroded surface of coral formations) covers the ground. Bei dem Untergang konnten sich jedoch viele Besatzungsmitglieder retten und die Spanier konnten einen Großteil der Schätze an Bord bergen. Die frühesten Besiedlung der Florida Keys fand wahrscheinlich durch Indianer verschiedener Stämme statt, darunter den Vescayos, Matecumbes und Tequesta, gefolgt von den in Florida ansässigen Calusa und Seminolen sowie vielleicht auch karibischen Stämmen. Die golfballgroßen Früchte haben einen unverwechselbaren Duft. It is a peninsula, which means that water surrounds the state on three of four possible sides. Dieses Lexikon bietet dir eine kostenlose Rätselhilfe … The storm destroyed an estimated 25% of the houses on the Keys and another 65% suffered major damage. Welcome to Oceander. Following the hurricane, some of the original railway bridges were converted to carry the highway roadbeds. Welcome to Oceander. The Keys: Diese Bezeichnung bezieht sich auf die Florida Keys, eine Kette von Inseln, die sich vom südöstlichen Teil der Halbinsel Florida von Key Largo bis Key West erstreckt. Die nördlichste Insel der Florida Keys ist Elliott Key, nördlich hiervon liegen jedoch noch einige Übergangsinseln, die aus Sand über ehemaligen Riffbereichen bestehen. ), Jamaican dogwood (Piscidia piscipula), and many others, which grow only in tropical climates. [2] Ab den 1970er Jahren wurden die alten Bahnbrücken durch neue daneben errichtete Betonbrücken ersetzt. [5] The islands in the southwestern part of the chain, from Big Pine Key to the Marquesas Keys, are exposed areas of Miami Limestone.[6]. Die Florida Keys werden von mehr als 200 flachen Inseln, so genannten Cays oder Keys gebildet. Dolphins Plus Bayside, Key Largo Picture: eine der Übungen mit den Delfinen - Check out Tripadvisor members' 18,099 candid photos and videos. „Historical Evolution“ In: Nancy Toppino: Underwater Archaeological Preserve State Park, Nationalen Wasserschutzgebietes Florida Keys, U.S. National Park Service Infos: Dry Tortugas, Jason Project The Story of Water Movement and Land Formation, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Florida_Keys&oldid=209580230, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Echte Florida Keys, freiliegende alte Korallenriffe. On September 10, 2017, Hurricane Irma made landfall in Cudjoe Key. Es gibt zwei unterschiedliche Wetterperioden: Feucht, heiß und schwül von Juni bis Oktober und trockener und kühler von November bis Mai. Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In 1982, the United States Border Patrol established a roadblock and inspection points on US Highway 1, stopping all northbound traffic returning to the mainland at Florida City, to search vehicles for illegal drugs and undocumented immigrants. Vor ca. Zudem ist es sehr stark vom Golfstrom geprägt, der warmes Wasser aus dem tropischen Bereich der Karibik nach Norden bringt. It also hosts amateur astronomy gatherings. (Knights, Vaca, Boot, Long Point, Crawl, and Grassy Keys, as well as most of Fat Deer Key, are incorporated in the city of Marathon. The islands are listed in order from southwest to north. Where to Stay in Marathon, Florida Keys. It is an international gathering that attracts 500+ people each year who enjoy stargazing, astrophotography and Milky Way photography. Welcome to Oceander. Die Inseln der Florida Keys werden in folgende drei Gruppen eingeteilt: Keys im Biscayne-Nationalpark in Miami-Dade County: Neuzeitliche Entdeckung und Schiffsunglücke. Westlich von Key West ist das alte Riff von Kalksand überlagert. There have been 16 cases this year. Welcome to Deer Run on the Atlantic, a four-room boutique-style bed and breakfast on the more rural and rustic island of Big Pine Key. Der Fundort eines der Wracks der Silberflotte von 1733 ist als Underwater Archaeological Preserve State Park geschützt. The Florida Keys symbolize freedom, relaxation and adventure. [17] Most residents had evacuated before the storm hit the area. Welcome to Oceander. Learn more. Viele Pflanzen verlangsamen oder stoppen ihr Wachstum in der trockeneren Wetterperiode. When the evacuation train failed to reach the camps before the storm, more than 200 veterans perished. Am 22. Die Keys sind auch die Heimat einiger unverwechselbarer Tierarten, wie zum Beispiel des unter Schutz stehenden Key-Weißwedelhirschs und des Spitzkrokodils. Tropical cyclones present special dangers and challenges to the entire Keys. North of Elliott Key are several small transitional keys, composed of sand built up around small areas of exposed ancient reef. Time estimates for evacuating the entire Keys range from 12 to 24 hours. The current bridge bypasses Pigeon Key, a small island that housed workers building Henry Flagler's Florida East Coast Railway in the 1900s, that the original Seven Mile Bridge crossed. This changed with the completion of Henry Flagler's Overseas Railway in the early 1910s. All keys north of Broad Creek are in Biscayne National Park and Miami-Dade County. This post contains affiliate links. Many of the original railroad and highway bridges remain today as pedestrian fishing piers. Viele Pflanzen, wie die Drillingsblume, der Kokosnussbaum, Hibiskus und Papaya, sind nicht heimisch, sondern importiert. [19] The damage was the worst in the Lower Keys, though less severe in Key West;[20] parts of the Lower Keys may be uninhabitable for months. About 70 miles (110 km) west of Key West is Dry Tortugas National Park, one of the most isolated and therefore well-preserved in the world. Jahrhundert wurden die Inseln von Zuwanderern der Bahamas intensiver besiedelt, die hierher kamen, um Holz zu schlagen und nach Schildkröten zu jagen. Das mit Gold, Silber und Juwelen beladene Schiff wurde erst 1985 von dem Schatzsucher Mel Fisher wiederentdeckt. The "towns" of Key Largo, North Key Largo and Tavernier, all on the island of Key Largo, are not incorporated.). A 2.2-mile (3.5 km) section of the old bridge remains for access to the island, although it was closed to vehicular traffic on March 4, 2008. The Florida Keys is experiencing an outbreak of the mosquito-borne illness Dengue fever. Jahrhundert weitgehend unbesiedelt.[2]. Wahrscheinlich lockten einzelne Wrecker allerdings auch ortsunkundige Schiffe durch falsche Leuchtzeichen auf die Riffe. the highest and lowest temperature readings during an entire month or year) calculated based on data at said location from 1981 to 2010. Des Weiteren befindet sich Key West inmitten der atlantischen Hurrikanzone und wird deswegen häufig von Hurrikanen heimgesucht. [26] This influx of traffic, coupled with the two-lane nature of U.S. 1 through most of its length in the Keys, and the fact that no alternative road routes are available mean that Monroe County has the highest per capita rate of fatal automobile accidents in the state of Florida. Following the Cuban Revolution, many Cubans emigrated to South Florida. Soil ranges from sand to marl to rich, decomposed leaf litter. Coral reefs of the FKNMS are subject to intrusions of potentially harmful waters from Florida Bay and the Southwest Florida Shelf because of their open connection to the Bay through Lower The piling-supported concrete bridge is 35,862 ft (10,931 m) or 6.79 miles (10.93 km) long. Demnach werden im Jahr 2021 Millionen solcher männlicher Mücken freigesetzt, die im Gegensatz zu den Weibchen nicht beißen. In 1935, new bridges were under construction to connect a highway through the entire Keys. Bis zu einem Hurrikan im Jahr 1935 waren die Inseln durch eine Eisenbahnstrecke verbunden. The Florida Reef extends 270 km from Fowey Rocks just east of Soldier Key to just south of the Marquesas Keys. Das Meer um die Keys herum ist Teil des Nationalen Wasserschutzgebietes Florida Keys. In the city of Key West, masks are to be worn in indoor and outdoor areas. The keys don't have sandy beaches. Located in the heart of the Key Deer Refuge, directly on the Atlantic ocean, our little slip of a sandy beach gives you space to relax in the sun, launch a kayak or paddleboard, or simply watch the day and the endangered Key deer go by. Key West Key Lime Pie Co (Sweet Pete’s) 511 Greene Street, Key West, FL. Three hurricanes disrupted the project in 1906, 1909, and 1910. Several types of palms are native to the Florida Keys, including the Florida thatch palm Thrinax radiata, which grows to its greatest size in Florida on the islands of the Keys. We head to No Name Key Bridge… right next to the Old Wooden Bridge Marina where we’ve rented a boat slip for the month. Die aus dem Meer herausragenden Riffteile und Ablagerungen erodierten sehr stark. Sie liegen vor der Südspitze der Halbinsel Florida zwischen dem Golf von Mexiko und dem Atlantischen Ozean. Die Bezeichnung ist abgeleitet von dem spanischen Wort Cay für Sandinsel (auf einem Korallenriff). Rain falling through leaf debris becomes acidic and dissolves holes in the limestone, where soil accumulates and trees root. Statistisch regnet es in den Sommermonaten – wenn auch nur kurzfristig – an durchschnittlich 40 % der Tage. De León named the islands Los Martires ("The Martyrs"), as they looked like suffering men from a distance. [2] Einzelne Missionare aus Havanna versuchten, die ansässigen Indianer zum Katholizismus zu bekehren und ihnen zugleich den Hass auf die verfeindeten Engländer und Franzosen beizubringen – das Hauptinteresse der Spanier auf den Inseln galt allerdings allein dem Schutz der Flotten, die dieses Gebiet auf der Reise nach Spanien passieren mussten. The waters surrounding the Keys are part of a protected area known as the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. After 6 months in the Florida Keys, we’ve decided it’s time for us to untie the lines and head north to be closer to our family. Key Biscayne is not one of the Florida Keys, but the southernmost of the barrier islands along the Atlantic coast of Florida. Their deaths caused anger and charges of mismanagement that led to a Congressional investigation. 1907 wurde diese mehr als 3 km lange Brücke eröffnet und stellte die Verbindung bis Knights Key her. Südflorida war zu diesem Zeitpunkt ein seichter See. Die Florida Keys sind die sichtbaren Teile eines alten Korallenriffes. [11] Other than some areas of coastal Miami (Miami Beach), the Florida Keys are the only areas in the continental United States to never report freezing temperatures since settlement. We visited Sweet Pete’s … Welcome to Oceander. This roadway, U.S. Highway 1, became the Overseas Highway that runs from Key Largo south to Key West. By 15,000 years ago the sea level had dropped between 300 to 350 feet (91 to 107 m) below the contemporary level. Journal of Antonio de Herrera quoted in Goodwin-Nguyen, S (2008) Key West: A Comprehensive Guide to Florida's Southernmost City, Channel Lake, p. 19. September 1935 wurden jedoch durch den Labor-Day-Hurrikan, der mehr als 800 Menschen tötete, große Teile des Bahndamms und der Gleise auf einer Länge von 65 km weggespült, ein Großteil der Strecke lag in Trümmern. "Florida Keys Information and Florida Keys Info Online Videos for Florida Keys Travel Guide and Vacation Guides", "The Coconut Palm in Florida", Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "WMO Climate Normals for KEY WEST/INTL, FL 1961–1990", "Average Weather for Key West, FL - Temperature and Precipitation", "25% of Florida Keys houses destroyed as 15 million Floridians have no power", "Florida Keys: Level of destruction uncertain, but it's not looking good", "Hurricane Irma's impact, from the air: Florida Keys battered but spared the worst in near miss", "Damage heavy on Key West, but booze still flows", "Florida Keys facing potential 'humanitarian crisis' in Irma aftermath", "Code of ordinances, City of Marathon, Florida", Monroe County Tourist Development Council Survey, Florida Highway Patrol 2006 accident statistics, "Key West Express in Fort Myers Beach, FL", Jason Project The Story of Water Movement and Land Formation, Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Florida_Keys&oldid=1016310595, Articles with dead external links from October 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Source: NOAA (relative humidity and sun 1961−1990), This page was last edited on 6 April 2021, at 14:05.
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