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Work on resource efficiency and circular economy has profited inter alia from the reports and assessments of the International Resource Panel (IRP). More information on the role of the IRP and its relations with the European Commission can be found here. The Circular Economy Package gives a clear signal to economic operators that the EU is using all the tools available to transform its economy, opening the way to new business opportunities and boosting competitiveness. The report presents the main achievements under the Action Plan and sketches out future challenges to shaping our economy and paving the way towards a climate-neutral, circular economy where pressure on natural and freshwater resources as well as ecosystems is minimised. After three years of successful implementation, the European Commission could identify three lessons learned, for the benefit of other institutions willing to engage with circular economy: The transition to a more circular economy, where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the generation of waste minimised, is an essential contribution to the EU's efforts to develop a sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient and competitive economy. Report on the implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan, Staff working document with details on the 54 actions included in the action plan, Staff working document on Sustainable Products in a Circular Economy, Staff working document on the assessment of the voluntary pledges under Annex III of the Strategy on Plastics, Guidance and promotion of best practices in the mining waste management plans, Summary Report of the Public Consultation on the interface between chemicals, product and waste legislation, Report on improving access to finance for circular economy projects, Report on Horizon 2020 R&I projects supporting the transition to a Circular Economy, A circular economy for plastics – Insights from research and innovation to inform policy and funding decisions, Eurostat press release: Circular Economy in the EU, European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, EU Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy, options to address the interface between chemical, product and waste legislation, Monitoring Framework on progress towards a circular economy, Report on Critical Raw Materials and the circular economy, Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, Questions and Answers: New EU rules on single-use plastics, Regulation on minimum requirements for water reuse, EU Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy - communication, EU Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy - staff working document, EU Strategy for plastics in the Circular Economy - brochure, Factsheets on the strategy for plastics in a circular economy, Factsheet - changing the way we use plastics, Communication on the Interface between chemicals, products and waste legislation, Monitoring framework for the circular economy, Eurobarometer: SMEs and the circular economy, European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, Communication "Towards a circular economy: a zero waste programme for Europe", Progress report on the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, Analysis of an EU target for Resource Productivity, Legislative proposal to review recycling and other waste-related targets in the EU, executive summary of the impact assessment, Ex-post evaluation of Five Waste Streams Directives - Commission staff working document, European Commission - Towards a circular economy, Eurostat - Circular economy monitoring progress. −having regard to the first Circular Economy Action Plan launched in 2015 (Commission communication of 2 December 2015 entitled ‘Closing the loop - An EU action plan for the Circular Economy’ (COM(2015)0614)) and the actions taken under that plan, −having regard to its resolution of 10 July 2020 on a Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability9, If the site contains content that does not yet reflect the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, it is unintentional and will be addressed. investments, jobs, gross value added and innovation. In 2015 European Commission adopted the Circular Economy Action Plan, which included comprehensive measures addressing waste management.The EU laws set minimum recycling, landfilling, material recov ery and renewable energy consumption targets. Such cooperation is also reflected at the highest political level, with regular inter-service meetings and cabinets of Commissioners meetings, to update on state of play of implementation and address issues that are blocking smooth implementation. o Guidance documents in the areas of industrial emissions, water management, recycling of construction & demolition waste, unfair commercial practices and Green Public Procurement Among other benefits, recent studies estimates that a circular economy can cut emissions from heavy industry: in an ambitious scenario, as much as 296 million tons CO2 per year in the EU by 2050, out of 530 Mt in total – and some 3.6 billion tonnes per year globally. Commission’s innovative approach to support circular economy is not limited to classic funding or stakeholder engagement: we also need to increase the transformative potential of circular economy investments and funding. The European Union produces more than 2.5 billion tonnes of waste every year.It is currently updating its legislation on waste management to promote a shift to a more sustainable model known as the circular economy.. Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs In 2015, the European Commission adopted an ambitious ' Circular Economy Package '. Stakeholders are consulted throughout the policy-making process. This new action was adopted by the European Commission in March 2020. The Action Plan achieved a very high consensus among stakeholders on its benefits, and on the disruptive positive change needed to achieve a circular economy. Circularity has also opened up new business opportunities, enabled new business models and developed new markets, domestically and outside the EU. On 11 March, the European Commission published its new Circular Economy Action Plan, updating the original 2015 plan. It has undoubtedly contributed to mainstreaming the concept of circularity in Europe and in the global stage, as a first step to a long-term commitment to establish a European circular economy. Minimum requirements are established for extended producer responsibility schemes to improve their governance and cost efficiency. Factsheet It focuses on better management of resource-intensive industries, waste reduction, zero-carbonization and standardization of sustainable products in Europe. The Commission cooperates with EU co-legislators (European Parliament; Council of the EU) to implement the legislative actions included in the Action Plan. The European Commission has adopted a new Circular Economy Action Plan - one of the main blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe’s new agenda for sustainable growth. Making the circular economy a reality will however require long-term involvement at all levels, from Member States, regions and cities, to businesses and citizens. The action plan builds on a 2015 circular economy roadmap launched under the previous Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker. The Action Plan builds joint ownership starting by the idea that an efficient circular economy can only be achieved when public authorities, the business community, and civil society work together. Other Directorates, such as the ones for health and food safety or for research and innovation, are contributing on actions relevant to their respective areas of expertise. On 4 March 2019, the European Commission adopted a comprehensive report on the implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan. o Revised legislation on waste, which is set to reinforce EU’s current role of global leader in recycling. Among other initiatives introduced in the Plan is the plastics strategy which aims to ban and reduce consumption of … Impact assessment & Summary. If everyone on the planet consumed like the average European, we would need almost three Earths to sustain the global economy . The circular model can secure jobs in Europe, promote innovations, create competitive advantage for EU businesses, and protect the environment in Europe and beyond. The EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy establishes a concrete and ambitious programme of action, with measures covering the whole cycle: from production and consumption to waste management and the market for secondary raw materials and a revised legislative proposal on waste. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy to close the loop and targeting strategic sectors is the best tool to address all its aspects. The Commission is also working to break policy silos and expand circular economy principles across policy areas, for example by looking at priority areas (i.e. What will it mean for China’s businesses and government policy? o The first-ever European Strategy for Plastics, and a follow-up legislation to reduce the negative effects on the environment of some single use plastic items. 2018 Circular Economy package - key documents: The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is a virtual open space which aims at promoting Europe's transition to a circular economy by facilitating policy dialogue among stakeholders and by disseminating activities, information, and good practices on the circular economy. On 11. The plan presents a set of interrelated initiatives to establish a strong and coherent product policy European Commission’s circular economy strategy benefits and supports the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 6 on energy, SDG 8 on economic growth, SDG 11 on sustainable cities, SDG 12 on sustainable consumption and production, SDG 13 on climate change, SDG 14 on oceans, and SDG 15 on life on land. Topics: Resource efficiency and waste. In 2018, the European Commission adopted other ambitious initiatives in the context of the Circular Economy Action Plan: Questions and Answers: New EU rules on single-use plastics European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Overall and from 2015 the European Commission has mobilized around 2 billions for R&I in relation to Circular Economy. A total of 574 out of 751 MEPs voted in favour of the action plan. Circular Economy Action Plan: For a cleaner and more competitive Europe’(COM(2020)0098), – having regard to the first Circular Economy Action Plan launched in 2015 (Commission communication of 2 December 2015 entitled ‘Closing the loop - An EU action plan for the Circular Economy’ (COM(2015)0614)) and the actions taken under that plan, In 2015, only one Member State (the Netherlands) had a circular economy strategy or roadmap at national level. Introduction. The plan acknowledges the need to address the block’s resource consumption and to reduce environmental pressures driven by consumption. The Welsh Government also identifies the circular economy as a key part of its Economic Action Plan and its ... Act 2015. The theme of circular economy is at the centre of a wider package of measures of the With regard to EU Member States administrations, the European Commission is leading initiatives to foster understanding and best practice sharing at policy level. There are many policy tools covering all the different products on the EU market, and these tools together provide a great contribution to sustainability. This coalition of broad support was instrumental to engage a number of stakeholders since the initial steps of the action plan. March 2020 the European Commission adopted a new Circular Economy Action Plan - one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe's new agenda for sustainable growth. This approach is also applied internally by fostering cross-departmental cooperation to attain higher level of staff engagement and coordination. EU Circular Economy Action Plan in 2015. from fossil fuel burning, and accommodatin g built infrastructure (Global Footprint Network). In December 2015, the EU adopted a circular economy package and action plan, envisaging actions, for example, to reduce food waste; legally recognise organic and waste-based fertilisers; foster eco-design for improved energy efficiency, reparability, durability and recyclability of products; and limit landfill to a maximum of 10% of municipal waste by 2030. The action plan focusses on action at EU level with high added value. The Commission has also adopted a Circular Economy Monitoring Framework to measure progress towards a circular economy at EU and national level. Circular Economy Action Plan 2020. With measures along the entire life cycle of products and building on the work done since 2015, the new Plan focuses on the design and production for a circular economy, with the … The annex to the action plan sets out the timeline when the actions will be completed. The Circular Economy Finance Support Platform aims to upscale investment, both public and private, in the circular economy, by providing such type of expertise to stakeholders ready to engage with circular economy public funding. EU monitoring framework for Circular Economy Growth within: a circular economy vision for a competitive Europe, relazione a cura di Ellen MacArthur Foundation, McKinsey Centre for Business and Environment e Stiftungsfonds für Umweltökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit (SUN), giugno 2015. European Commission Also, more could be done to support consumers and circular sectors such as reuse and repair. The action plan builds on a 2015 circular economy roadmap launched under the previous Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker. According to the report, the results of implementing the plan were met with great enthusiasm. The Circular Economy Action Plan has succeeded in turning circular economy from a niche concept into a mainstream policy, at the top of the international political agenda. In particular, the Circular Economy Action Plan is a joint file shared by the Directorate General for Environment and the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. In 2015, the European Commission adopted an ambitious Circular Economy Action Plan, which includes measures that will helpstimulate Europe's transition towards a circular economy, boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs. It will create local jobs at all skills levels and opportunities for social integration and cohesion. As circular economy is a complex and far-reaching concept, in December 2015 the European Commission has established a unique comprehensive strategy, the … In 2015, the European Commission adopted an ambitious 'Circular Economy Package'.

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