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The eIDAS Regulation in substance enhances trust in electronic transactions in the EU by providing a common foundation for secure electronic interaction. The European Commission is planning to update the regulatory framework concerning digital identification in the EU at the end of 2020. The objective of the public consultation es determinar cómo se aplica el Reglamento eIDAS (sobre servicios de confianza en el mercado interno) en los países miembros de la UE. eIDAS. public consultation - eIDAS featured with respect to the cross border benefits of e-signature and eID. 29/07/20. In order to reshape the future of eIDAS, currently the EU is conducting a public consultation on amending the eIDAS regulation to make the system more fit for purpose based on available new technology. The EU Commission has launched a public consultation on the revision of the rules on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, the eIDAS Regulation. While evaluating feedback on the existing regulation, the EU is looking at strengthening and broadening the scope of eIDAS with this consultation. In particular, the Commission outlined that the consultation will take into 1 Introduction Digital identity enables transactions in the digital world. eIDAS aims to secure electronic transactions in europe, and the support of the building blocks eID, eSignature and eDelivery Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The EU Commission proposed three new options for the revised eIDAS regulation, and Yubico submitted feedback accordingly: Option 1 would revise and complement the existing eIDAS framework. The European Commission published a public consultation on the Digital Services Act. In a hyper connected world, the ability to establish individual identities of natural persons, legal entities, machines and devices uniquely, accurately, quickly It wants to make the system more fit for purpose based on available new technology. Accelerating the 910/2014 of 23 July 2014 on Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions in the Internal Market and Repealing Directive 1999/93/EC ('the eIDAS Regulation'). EU e-Government Action Plan 2016-2020. In Europe, eIDAS (EU regulation 910/2014), is subject for revision and open for feedback to a public consultation. Response to EC public consultation on the eIDAS Regulation Our reference: COB-TECH-20 Referring to: eIDAS Open Public Consultation Related documents: Contact person: Arthur Hilliard, Policy Advisor, Conduct of Business E-mail: Pages: 4 Transparency Register ID no. The broad public, as well as companies directly impacted by the eIDAS Regulation, competent authorities in Member States, international organisations and concerned stakeholders have until 2 October 2020 to participate in the consultation. Commission launches public consultation on the eIDAS Regulation. The European Commission ('the Commission') launched, on 24 July 2020, a public consultation on Regulation (EU) No. ... eIDAS revision expected at the end of 2020. eIDAS Open Public Consultation Fields marked with * are mandatory. Response to EC public consultation on the eIDAS Regulation This is Insurance Europe's response to a consultation by the European Commission on a revision of the electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS) Regulation, which aims to enable secure and seamless digital interactions between citizens, businesses and the public sector. While evaluating feedback on the existing regulation, the EU is looking at strengthening and broadening the scope of eIDAS with this consultation. The European Commission (EC) has launched a public consultation into plans to revise the electronic identification, authentication and trust services (eIDAS) regulation. : 33213703459-54 Insurance Europe aisbl To reshape the future of eIDAS, the EU is conducting a public consultation on amending the eIDAS regulation. • Cooperation with DG JUST on supporting the transposition of the AMLD4 Directive at national level to ensure consistency with eIDAS 11.
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