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Throughout Aristotle 's work, he suggests that virtue is a mean to happiness that he believed is the universal goal of every human being. Consequently, he argues that excellence is “a state concerned with a choice, lying in a mean relative to us” (2.6). Aristotle’s construct defines moral behavior as the mean between two extremes – deficiency at one end, excess at the other. It appeared in Greek thought at least as early as the Delphic Maxim nothing to excess and emphasized in later Aristotelian philosophy, . Justice occurs when each person gets what he deserves. .” (2.2). Aristotle argued that all virtue in life is achieved by “maintaining the Golden Mean”. Aristotle’s theory of Golden Mean is referred as a virtue ethics because rather on focusing on the factors and consequences, it focuses on the development of character… If there ever was a cliche I’d be willing to live my life by, it’s that one. Courage is virtuous when it balances between cowardice and rashness, extravagance and indifference. Any departure from the mean is … The Golden Mean (Or Better Definitions of Poise) says: . Aristotle develops the most important virtue of the “golden mean” in book two of his text. The golden mean or golden middle way is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency. Directive: Posted in Philosophy, Psychiatry/psychology and tagged as Aristotle, ethics, golden mean, happiness, moral philosophy, Nicomachean Ethics, table of virtues, the good life, virtue. Aristotle’s Nichomachaean Ethics is famous for its idea of the Golden Mean. Aristotle proposes choosing the "Golden Mean" between too much emotion and too much action. If we have a set consisting of: {1,2,3}, then {2} would be the mean. A coward would be the soldier who runs away from the battlefield, and a reckless soldier would charge against sixty enemy soldiers. 0 Comments Leave a Comment. Introduction Aristotle claims that the terms “eudaimonia” (happiness) is an ultimate goal in human life and happiness is based on human nature which must begin from personal experience. He discusses different types of virtue and … Aristotle covers fully the nature of the interrelationships of the adult, free males in the city state. However, everyone has the different… Key demand of the question: Explain in detail the concept of Golden mean and how can one apply it. For example, Courage, the first of Hyde’s Five Words, might be represented as cowardice in the deficient extreme and foolhardiness or recklessness in the excess extreme. This basically means the avoidance of extremes. The Aristotle’s theory of Golden Mean is extracted from virtue ethics, which concerns with the building of good character. To Aristotle, moral virtue is the adherence to the Golden Mean. (250 words) Ethics by Lexicon publications. Part of that positioning of the adult male in the society are principles of justice of distribution of goods and services (distributive justice) and adjustment to improperly distributed goods … Aristotle’s Golden Mean: Living a Life of... - July 5, 2013 […] By Josh Rueff on July 01, 2013 Whoever said, “Life isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey”- I’d like to thank that person. Aristotle's idea of virtue lies in what he calls the "Golden Mean". 6) Discuss Aristotle’s concept of ‘Golden Mean’ in Ethics. Another way to explain Aristotle’s golden mean would be that courage is the middle, which is the good between one extreme, of deficiency; cowardness and the other extreme of excess; recklessness. Aristotle believes that man, as a rational animal, can use reason to achieve this mean. Today, we would like to discuss about Aristotle’s Golden Mean. Aristotle argued that everyone will build up a good character trait through practice, ethics and virtue in order to achieve self-happiness. Aristotle writes, “It is the nature of such things to be destroyed by defect and excess . Why this question: The question is straightforward and is based on the theory of golden mean propounded by Aristotle.

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